Famous Chinese general inspires porn star’s lawyer for Trump battles

Michael Avenatti has been a ubiquitous presence on cable television and late night talk shows since taking on as a client the woman who may now be the best-known XXX-rated movie star in America In the stranger-than-fiction reality show that is the Trump presidency, Anthony Scaramucci, the fast-talking New York investment banker known as the "Mooch", barely lasted one episode. But Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, has emerged as a star in the ever-evolving drama engulfing the White House.

Obamas celebrated at their last Kennedy Center Honors

The longest, loudest standing ovation of the Kennedy Center Honors gala wasn't reserved for Al Pacino, Mavis Staples or the Eagles. Instead, it went to the man sitting to their left, attending his eighth and most likely his last honors presentation: President Barack Obama.