Workers at Mississippi Nissan plant casting ballots on union

In this Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017 photo, a United Auto Workers member encourages employees to vote for the union at an entrance to the Nissan vehicle assembly plant in Canton, Miss. Voting started Thursday in Mississippi among 3,700 employees who are deciding whether the UAW union should bargain for them with Nissan Motor Co.

Congress finally provides funding for Flint Sunday, December 11

It also includes $170-million, mainly for Flint to partially fund the replacement of lead pipes and for medical assistance for families that have suffered the effects of lead contamination. Flint officials and local Congressman Dale Kildee are joining the Senate sponsors of the legislation, Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, who says it's now time for the State Government to come up with the rest of the money that will be needed to finish the infrastructure improvements and provide long term health care and monitoring in Flint.