Fake news this week: Donald Trump vs. – fake, fake, disgusting’ media

U.S. President Donald Trump's war against the media reached new heights this week as he criticized the press as " fake, fake, disgusting news " and described journalists as "horrible, horrendous people" despite warnings that his vitriol could put lives in danger. Speaking in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

News and Fake News What to Believe?

Every day we are inundated with information - perhaps even too much information - but what can we believe? What is real news or fake news? Fact or fiction? Truths, half-truths or lies? Or even so-called alternative facts? With the proliferation of television news channels and social media on the Internet we live in an information overload society with a world of conflicting information. Because of the competitive rush to be the first with breaking news, all too often the first information about a crisis has been wrong and corrected hours or days later.

Fake news purveyors regularly cited a Twitter account revealed to be Russian propaganda

Fake news purveyors have repeatedly promoted tweets from a Twitter account that was run by Russian operatives, often framing their articles directly around the account. In September, Facebook announced that a Russian firm tied to the Kremlin, the Internet Research Agency, had bought at least $100,000 worth of advertisements on its platform during the 2016 election.

French election: Fake news spreads ahead of presidential poll

Lille, France: So called 'Twitter bots' that masquerade as real people and spread fake news and propaganda on social media have been detected in action in France in the lead-up to this weekend's presidential election.However, French voters are sharing much better quality information online than what many US voters shared in last year's presidential election, according to an analysis released on Saturday by a group of experts from Oxford University. France attack raises new questions over election The killing of a policeman in an Islamist militant attack overshadows the last day of France's unpredictable presidential election campaign as centrist Emmanuel Macron holds onto his status as frontrunner in the polls.

Ron Paul: War On “Fake News” Is War On Free Speech

A major threat to liberty is the assault on the right to discuss political issues, seek out alternative information sources, and promote dissenting ideas and causes such as non-interventionism in foreign and domestic affairs. If this ongoing assault on free speech succeeds, then all of our liberties are endangered.