10 Things to Know Today

En esta imagen extraida de un video de la Australian Broadcasting Corp., personal de emergencia ayuda a victimas atropelladas por un vehiculo, el jueves 21 de diciembre de 2017, en Melbourne, Australia. less En esta imagen extraida de un video de la Australian Broadcasting Corp., personal de emergencia ayuda a victimas atropelladas por un vehiculo, el jueves 21 de diciembre de 2017, en Melbourne, Australia.

ICTSI’s Fully Automated Terminal Complete

ICTSI Australian terminal is complete Anders Dommestrup, VICT CEO; John Lines, ANL Managing Director; Enrique Razon, ICTSI Chairman and CEO; Honorable Luke Donnellan, Victoria State Minister for Ports; Councillor Bernadene Voss, Port Phillip City Mayor; Christian Gonzalez, ICTSI Senior Vice President and Asia-Pacific Regional Head; and Brendan Bourke, Port of Melbourne CEO. Photo ICTSI Victoria International Container Terminal recently celebrated the completion of its terminal in Webb Dock in Melbourne, Australia ahead of schedule.