Entrenched poverty tough to shake in the Mississippi Delta

Otibehia Allen is a single mother who lives in a rented mobile home in the same isolated, poor community where she grew up among the cotton and soybean fields of the Mississippi Delta. During a summer that feels like a sauna, the trailer's air conditioner has conked out.

Cheers in Chocolate Town for Trump promises

"Your drive, your dedication and your love for your country pushed us across the finish line and boy, did we get across that line, right?" Cheers in Chocolate Town for Trump promises "Your drive, your dedication and your love for your country pushed us across the finish line and boy, did we get across that line, right?" Check out this story on ydr.com: http://ldne.ws/2hUiKyv President-elect Donald Trump leaves the stage after speaking at the Giant Center in Hershey, PA., Thursday evening, Dec. 15. The stop was part of Trump's "thank you tour."