NHS students to participate in March For Our LivesPeaceful march will …

"Here we will honor the many lives lost to gun violence across America and demand change from our legislators," said senior Lexi Santiago, who organized the event. The march, which will be from noon to 1 p.m., will go from NHS to U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan's Norwalk office on Main Street.

Trump healthcare bill passesJim Jordan switches his vote Updated May 4, 2017 at

Rep. Jim Jordan was among the Republicans who switched their votes Thursday allowing a healthcare bill to pass that includes steep premium hikes for older and sick people and slashes services. Jordan is a founder of the ultraconservative Freedom Caucus, a group of about 30 Republican congressman which helped torpedo Trumpcare - officially known as the American Health Care Act - in March believing it provided too many taxpayer subsidies to low-income people and increased the approximately $500 billion deficit.