Lava Bomb Slams Boat Tour in Hawaii, Injuring 23

A burning chunk of lava plummeted down and punctured the roof of an offshore Hawaiian tour boat yesterday , injuring 23 people who likely weren't expecting to get up close and personal with a lava bomb. The so-called bomb - named because of the rounded, aerodynamic, bomb-like shape the lava takes as it hurtles through the air - punctured the metal roof of a Lava Ocean Tours vessel shortly after 6 a.m. local time, the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources reported.

Hawaii helicopter evacuation readied as new lava stream hits ocean

A third lava flow from Hawaii's erupting Kilauea volcano streamed into the ocean on Thursday as U.S. Marines Corps helicopters stood by to evacuate a Big Island community should molten rock or huge cracks block its final escape route. Six huge fissures sent rivers of molten rock through a blackened, volcanic wilderness that was once jungle, farmland and rural homes.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: ‘I am studying more about the impeachment process’

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said at a town hall this week that she is studying more about the impeachment process amid the investigations into whether any aides to President Donald Trump's campaign were involved in Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Gabbard cautioned though that getting rid of Trump would mean a President Mike Pence, who she argued would be more effective in pushing a conservative agenda through Congress.

Ige promises action on Hawaii Island vacancies

Applications for candidates to fill one of the two Hawaii County seats on the University of Hawaii Board of Regents were due Sept. 30. The seat was vacated by the early September resignation of Barry Mizuno, who died Nov. 26. But a lack of a quorum on the Regents Candidate Advisory Council has left the applications still to be evaluated.