Inmatesa uncertainty on Guantanamo prisona s 15th anniversary

The looming presidency of Donald Trump has created a deep sense of uncertainty for inmates at Guantanamo on the 15th anniversary of the arrival of the first prisoners at the U.S. base in Cuba. Nineteen of the remaining 55 prisoners are cleared for release and could be freed in the final days of Barack Obama's presidency, part of an effort to shrink the prison since the administration couldn't close it on his watch.

CCR and DRUM File Freedom of Information Request Regarding Muslim Registry

Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights and DRUM - South Asian Organizing Center sent Freedom of Information Act requests to multiple federal agencies seeking documents related to the federal National Security Entry-Exit Registration System . NSEERS required nonimmigrants who were citizens of designated countries - 24 out of 25 of which were majority Arab or Muslim - to submit to special registration and monitoring requirements while in the U.S. Critics say the program was discriminatory and abusive, and warned that its regulatory framework could easily facilitate president-elect Trump's proposed Muslim registry.