Evidence Shows President John F. Kennedy Learned to Fly at…

Just in Time for the 101st Anniversary of Kennedy's Birthday on May 29, Flight Logs and Other Data Reveals JFK flew solo in just ten days at an Embry-Riddle seaplane base in Miami during World War II. New documents reveal U.S. President John F. Kennedy, learned to fly at an Embry-Riddle seaplane base in Miami during World War II.

LETTERS: “Volunteer one to two hours per week to help with the…

As a 28-year member of the Volusia Literacy Council, I remember when I first joined, 1 in every 4 folks in Volusia County could not read or write past a fourth-grade level. Fast forward 28 years later, and as many as 1 in 4 adults still cannot read past a fourth-grade level.