Pulpit Abuse: ‘You’ve set back the Jewish contribution’: Stephen…

The Jewish new year celebration, Rosh Hashanah, began Sunday night, and for most observant adherents it is meant to kick off a period of often personal reflection. But one religious leader took the holiday as an opportunity to send a message to a man who he said was a former congregant: presidential adviser Stephen Miller.

AOPA Files Court Brief Over Santa Monica Settlement

Separate amicus, or Friend of the Court briefs, have been filed by AOPA and GAMA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit over the conditions included in the settlement between the FAA and the city that will allow the airport to close in 2028. AOPA reports that in its brief it holds that the settlement would not allow the public to file complaints with the FAA concerning issues at the airport that the agency would be required to resolve "fairly and fully" in accordance with Part 16 of the FARs.

SMC Film Wins Prague Independent Film Festival Award

"MunIfecas"-a short film directed by Santa Monica College film student Osvaldo Ozuna-won the Best Student Film Award at the 2017 Prague Independent Film Festival held August 3-6 in the Czech Republic capital. SANTA MONICA, CA-Santa Monica College is pleased to announce that the SMC student-film production "MunIfecas" has won the Best Student Film Award at the 2017 Prague Independent Film Festival .

Bernie Sanders Supporters in Congress Turn Focus to Party Unity

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders pauses during an election night rally at Barker Hanger in Santa Monica, California, U.S., on June 7, 2016. While Bernie Sanders vowed on Tuesday night to continue the "very, very steep fight" for the Democratic nomination, some of his congressional supporters - recognizing Hillary Clinton's primary victory - are instead turning their attention to how the Vermont Senator can unify and influence the party outside the nomination.

Bernie Sanders pushes for a a moral economya at San Pedro campaign stop

The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign blitz through Southern California stopped at the docks in San Pedro Friday - a part of the Vermont senator's ambitious plan to reach 200,000 voters before the state's June 7 primary. The 30-minute speech before a crowd of about 1,000 mostly union dock workers - members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 13 - rarely mentioned his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, but he did take repeated shots at corporate America, Wall Street and the Republican's prsumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump.