Morning Bits: Trump is a prosecutor’s dream

Vladimir Putin would not dream of a system in which the president isn't in charge. "The issue, I think, for us in the midterms is, what message is Putin hearing? Is he hearing the message that we heard from [Director of National Intelligence Daniel] Coats and [FBI Director Christopher A.] Wray and others in that press conference at the White House, or is hearing the message of the president of the United States? And I fear that the message that the Kremlin cares most about is what they hear from Donald Trump, and that is still one of denial and cover for the Russians."

Donald Trump orders ‘highly classified’ data for Congress on FBI’s ‘tactics’

President Trump ordered his chief of staff Monday to make sure Congress gets "highly classified" information from the Justice Department , intelligence community and FBI - including details that could shed light on whether the FBI had an informant investigate the Trump campaign. Mr. Trump also officially requested an inspector general's investigation into the FBI's "tactics" toward the Trump campaign in 2016, and the White House and Justice Department said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein agreed to convey the directive.

3 commentary Jennifer Rubin: We’re defenseless against Russian…

President Donald Trump, unwilling to acknowledge the degree of Russian meddling in the 2016 election , has brushed aside numerous admonitions from Congress, outside experts and even his own advisers to harden our defenses against future interference. On Tuesday, Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats was the latest to testify to Russia's threat to our democracy and our unpreparedness.

Angry Trump decries being target of Russian links probe

President Donald Trump has responded angrily to reports that he is under criminal investigation, deriding a "witch hunt" against him led by some "very bad" people. He was answering accounts that he is personally being investigated for obstruction of justice with a characteristic scorched-earth defense: Claiming mistreatment of historic proportions and calling into question the probity of his accusers.

Donnelly, Young Announce Government Publishing Office to Call Indiana …

U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly and U.S. Senator Todd Young announced today/Thursday that the Government Publishing Office has changed the designation of Indiana natives to "Hoosiers" in the new federal government style guide. The style guide currently uses the term "Indianan."