Cities, volunteers clash over feeding homeless in public Source: AP

When Adele MacLean joined others in an Atlanta park to feed the hungry the Sunday before Thanksgiving, she left with a citation and a summons to appear in court. The case was dropped when she showed up in court earlier this month, but she and her lawyers say the citation for serving food without a permit was improper and demonstrates callousness toward the homeless.

Images That Refute Trump’s Attack on Hero John Lewis

It began when Rep. John Lewis announced that he would not attend the inaugural of Donald J. Trump because he did not consider him a legitimate president. Lewis, sometimes called "the conscience of Congress," emerged to prominence as a very young man in 1963-66 as Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee - of which he had been one of the founders.

5 Images that refute Trump’s attack on Hero John Lewis

It began when Rep. John Lewis announced that he would not attend the inaugural of Donald J. Trump because he did not consider him a legitimate president. Lewis, sometimes called "the conscience of Congress," emerged to prominence as a very young man in 1963-66 as Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee - of which he had been one of the founders.