Black rural voters could be key to Democrats eyeing Georgia

Sitting on the wooden pews of a small white brick church on a hot Wednesday afternoon in central Georgia, a group of residents gathered to chat about the upcoming governor's race and the issues concerning them in their community, from economic development to health care to infrastructure. A particular topic of interest was a strategy for voter turnout - and how to fight the barriers to it - in what could be a pivotal midterm election.

Trump expects ‘big results’ from his choice to lead USDA

Even as he maintains ties to oil and gas producers, a Perry-led Energy Department is likely to support renewable energy and the tax incentives that encourage its growth, experts said. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he regrets his famous statement about abolishing the Department of Energy and said it does not reflect his current thinking The White House left Obama's schedule mostly empty for his last day, while saying he'd use the time to pack up the home he and his family have lived in for most of a decade.