Bombardier puts Belfast wing-making plant up for sale

Four thousand skilled jobs at risk in Northern Ireland as Canadian firm unveils sell-off

The Canadian aerospace firm Bombardier is to sell its wing-making operation, which employs 4,000 people in Northern Ireland, sparking concern among trade unions and MPs about the impact on highly skilled jobs.

A spokesman for the prime minister said the government did not expect jobs to be affected but the trade union Unite said it was seeking stronger assurances from the government and the company.

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Unifor head Jerry Dias ‘glad to be in the middle of it’ on NAFTA talks

Just hours before Bombardier Inc. was to unveil a dramatic plan to escape its latest crisis, Jerry Dias was summoned to Montreal to meet with Alain Bellemare, the beleaguered firm's chief executive. There, the head of Canada's largest private-sector union was told that after months of searching for partners to help finance its sleek new C Series jet, Bombardier would be teaming up with European manufacturer Airbus, which would take on much of the responsibility for building and selling the aircraft.

Canada Defends Bombardier Aid as Brazil Moves on Trade Challenge

Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains said Canada's financial aid package for Bombardier Inc. is consistent with trade rules, as Brazil pushed for a hearing in front of the World Trade Organization on what it considers unfair subsidies. The Brazilian government formally sought "consultations" early Wednesday with Canada in front of the WTO with the blessing of Bombardier's South American rival Embraer SA, according to a statement from that company.