Former Vatican diplomat to Washington indicted on child porn charge

Trump Economic Adviser Ties G-7 Pullout to North Korea Meeting - WASHINGTON - President Trump's top economic adviser said on Sunday that Mr. Trump had pulled out of a joint statement with allies at the Group of 7 meeting over the weekend because a "betrayal" by the Canadian prime minister Trump Goes to War Against the Democracies - "He's like Heath Ledger's Joker - but without the operational excellence." That was the grim after-action assessment of one senior G7 official with whom I spoke in the shocked aftermath of President Donald Trump's savage post-summit tweets.

The Latest: Curtis wins GOP primary for US House seat

In this Friday, Aug. 11, 2017, photo, David Muir, a 58-year-old longtime Republican, casts his vote in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Muir said that he cast his ballot early for John Curtis, because he thinks his experience running local government makes him more qualified than the other two.

Anti-Trump crowds rule at Republicans’ town halls

COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS, Utah-A crowd of about a thousand people, dominated by opponents of President Donald Trump's agenda, packed a raucous town-hall event here in the latest example of increased activism targeting Republican members of Congress. Five-term Rep. Jason Chaffetz won his most recent race by nearly 50 points, but returned to his home district to find himself confronted by a sign-waving, heckling and booing chorus.