Tillerson under fire for turmoil at State

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is facing a wave of withering bipartisan criticism that his effort to reform the State Department is instead spurring an exodus of talent that undermines American diplomacy and endangers the nation. The turmoil surrounding Tillerson's stewardship of the State Department deepened this week as lawmakers questioned key elements of his strategy to shrink what he sees as a bloated bureaucracy.

New report says noise complaints are up at National, Dulles airports

The air traffic control tower at Dulles International Airport, seen during a 2016 demonstration of new technology. Residents from across the Washington region filed a record number of complaints about noise from flights at Reagan National and Dulles International airports in 2016 - more than four times the number recorded in the previous year, according to new data released this month.

Mattis confirms decision made on path forward in Afghanistan

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis confirmed Sunday that a decision has been made on a military strategy in Afghanistan, where more than 8,000 troops already are based in the longest-running war in U.S. history. Speaking to reporters on a military plane en route to meetings in Jordan, Mattis said it is up to President Donald Trump to announce the details of a review of U.S. policy in Afghanistan and South Asia.

Democrats are holding up one of Trump’s best appointees

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events THOUGH PRESIDENT TRUMP'S opening weeks have been chaotic and dispiriting, the nation's new chief executive has still managed to make a few good choices. One of his best was nominating Rod J. Rosenstein to be the No.

Report: Friedman will apologize for using a kapoa to describe liberal Jews

President Donald Trump's nominee for U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is expected to apologize during his Senate confirmation hearing for derogatory statements he has made against liberal Jews. Representatives of the nominee told Sen. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md., who is the senior Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee that will hold the confirmation hearing, that Friedman will apologize for use of the term "kapo" to attack J Street, the liberal Jewish Middle East policy group, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Report: Trump’s Israel envoy pick to apologize for ‘kapo’ remarks

Letters from rabbis, Holocaust survivors decry David Friedman's use of term against J Street ahead of his Senate confirmation hearing Thursday for the position of US ambassador to Israel. President Donald Trump's nominee for US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman , was expected to apologize at his Senate confirmation hearing Thursday for contentious past remarks he made about the liberal Jewish lobbyist group J Street, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

Trump signs law rolling back disclosure rule for energy and mining companies

President Donald Trump signed his first piece of legislation on Tuesday, a measure that could presage the most aggressive assault on government regulations since President Ronald Reagan. The bill cancels out a Securities and Exchange Commission anti-corruption regulation that would have required oil and gas and mining companies to disclose in detail the payments they made to foreign governments.