Turkey’s gift of a mosque sparks fears of ‘neo-Ottomanism’ in Kosovo

Pristina badly needs a new mosque – but Turkish attempts to court the young Balkan state with investment and advocacy is making some uneasy

It is six years since Islamic leaders and government officials laid the cornerstone of Pristina’s new central mosque – a slab of stone now hidden beneath weeds in a parking lot.

Pulling back the weeds reveals it is covered with bright red graffiti – death threats to Kosovo’s chief mufti, along with the words: “No Turkish mosque or there will be blood.”

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US Congress delegation in Kosovo to show bipartisan support

A bipartisan delegation from the U.S. House of Representatives is visiting Kosovo to reiterate the strong support for the nation. In its two-day visit, the delegation led by Republican Peter Roskam will meet Kosovo's prime minister, Assembly speaker, lawmakers and civil society.