Trump and Charlottesville threaten to upend Virginia governor’s race

Racial politics and President Trump are roiling Virginia's governor's race and threatening to derail Republican nominee Ed Gillespie. Gillespie is saying and doing all the right things in the wake of a white supremacist uprising and left-wing counter-protest in Charlottesville, Va., and Trump's decision to spread equal blame for the unrest between the racists and opposition demonstrators.

Corey Stewart, seen at a campaign rally in Virginia Beach, Va., is…

The front-runner in Virginia's Republican gubernatorial primary this year, Ed Gillespie, is campaigning on what traditionally would be considered an impressive political resume: former Republican National Committee Chairman, presidential adviser, lobbyist, and, in 2014, unsuccessful Republican nominee for U.S. Senate. In one campaign ad , Gillespie is seen alongside former President George W. Bush, and promises voters, "I know firsthand how the system works."

Democratic Contenders Lead Gillespie In Virginia Governor Poll

Both Democratic contenders for the Virginia governorship lead Republican candidate Ed Gillespie in a head-to-head poll published Monday. Former Rep. Tom Perriello and Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam, both Democrats, led Gillespie's numbers by a wide margin in the Washington Post-Schar School poll , with Perriello's 50 percent gaining a slight edge over Northam's 49 percent.

Trump’s Syria Strike Won’t Solve Any Problems But Could Make Everything Worse

"It is in the vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the use of deadly chemical weapons," said President Donald Trump in explaining a U.S.-missile strike on a Syrian airbase. That might sound good and even noble in theory, explains Emma Ashford of the Cato Institute, but the plain truth is that he's wrong.