James Clapper: Kim Jong Un ‘May Have Met His Match’ With ‘Unconventional’ Trump

State of the Union and said he supports President Donald Trump 's cancellation of his summit with Kim Jong Un - adding that the North Korean leader may have "met his match" in the U.S. president. In an interview with Dana Bash , Clapper spoke on the letter Trump sent to Kim declaring the cancellation of a planned summit between the two leaders, originally slated for June 12. Nonetheless, Trump said on Sunday that the meeting could be back on.

The Risk of Nuclear War with North Korea

The Risk of Nuclear War with North Korea - On the ground in Pyongyang: Could Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump goad each other into a devastating confrontation? - 1. The Madman Theory - The United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea, so there is no embassy in Washington The day's must-read political news and opinion pieces are scattered across hundreds of news outlets and blogs, too many for any one person to read. Fortunately, memeorandum arranges all of these links in a single, easy-to-scan page.

Washington moves to ban citizens’ travel to N. Korea

South Koreans staged a memorial rally for Otto Warmbier near the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea on Friday. The U.S. State Department urges Americans to avoid traveling to more than three dozen nations, including such troubled locales as Libya, Cameroon and Venezuela.

US, China diplomats discussed North Korea following coal ban

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi affirmed the importance of a constructive bilateral relationship during a phone call, a statement from the US State Department said on Tuesday . A day before the announcement of the coal import suspension, Tillerson urged China to "use all available tools to moderate North Korea's destabilizing behavior" during his first talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi since taking office.