The Latest: Dustin Hoffman wins International Emmy

Hoffman won the International Emmy for best performance by an actor at Monday night's awards ceremony at the Hilton New York for his role as a retired bachelor wooing a tortoise-loving widow in the BBC One TV movie "Roald Dahl's Esio Trot." Two other British productions received awards: "Hoff the Record," starring David Hasselhoff, in the comedy category, and "Capital" for TV movie/mini-series.

Inta l Emmys to honor prolific TV producer Shonda Rhimes

TV producer Shonda Rhimes didn't get the president she wanted in the recent election, but she'll be receiving a special honor from the president she created at the International Emmy Awards Gala. "Scandal" star Tony Goldwyn, who plays President Fitzgerald Grant in the ABC TV drama, will be presenting the honorary International Emmy Founders Award to Rhimes Monday night at the Hilton New York.

How Would “The West Wing” Handle Donald Trump?

Before the dark drama of House of Cards and the political satire of Veep , there was The West Wing , the beloved NBC White House drama that aired 154 episodes over seven seasons, beginning in 1999. For the past six months, Song Exploder host Hrishikesh Hirway and West Wing actor Joshua Malina have been reliving The West Wing in podcast form, usually one episode per week.

Kerry Washington Gets Real About Donald Trump & Maternity Leave

Kerry Washington has spent enough time as Washington, D.C., fixer-in-chief Olivia Pope to know political spin when she sees it. When the always-articulate Scandal star stopped by Real Time with Bill Maher last night to talk about all things election , she did not hesitate to call out Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his bullying, questionable maternity leave policy, and slight-of-hand attempts to appear more female-friendly than he actually is.

Hillary Clinton Would Rather Have George Clooney as VP Instead of Bernie Sanders

During an appearance on NBC's The Ellen Show, the Democratic presidential front runner played a "Who Would Your Rather" game with host Ellen DeGeneres, focusing on potential vice presidents. Clinton was shown two pictures of politicians, actors or musicians and asked to pick one as her choice for her running mate.