LGBTQ groups criticize Ben Carson for comment about transgender people

Advocacy groups for the LGBTQ community are calling Housing and Urban Development Department Secretary Ben Carson 's remarks about transgender people discriminatory and inaccurate. Add Trump Administration as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Trump Administration news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Ex-FBI official hoping to blaze a path to Congress as ‘cannabis candidate’

A former FBI employee is running for Congress as the "Cannabis Candidate," with a campaign ad featuring him smoking marijuana in front of an image of the American flag. Benjamin Thomas Wolf is one of three challengers to incumbent Rep. Mike Quigley in the Democratic primary for Illinois' 5th Congressional District, which includes parts of Chicago.

Donald Trump aide declining to answer questions about time in White House

US President Donald Trump's long-time aide Hope Hicks is declining to answer questions about her time in the White House in a closed-door interview with the House intelligence committee. The panel is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between Mr Trump's campaign and Russia.

White House officials review Democratic memo on Russia probe

The House intelligence committee has voted to release a Democratic rebuttal to a GOP memo on the Russia investigation. AP Investigative Reporter Eric Tucker explains the release of a classified memo written by Republican lawmakers who say it reveals abusive FBI surveillance tactics.

Illinois Rep. introduces a COVFEFEa bill to archive Trump tweets

An Illinois lawmaker is looking to transform "covfefe" - a mysterious term born out of a now-deleted tweet from President Donald Trump - into a federal law. Rep. Mike Quigley introduced the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act on Monday, which aims to amend the Presidential Records Act to make sure that social media posts, including deleted tweets, are archived and classified as "documentary material," according to the bill.

Dem Introduces ‘COVFEFE Act’ To Record All Of Trump’s Tweets

A Democratic lawmaker introduced legislation Monday to specifically require that all of the president's social media posts be archived, following an unusual typo from President Donald Trump. The COVFEFE Act, which stands for Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act of 2017 and is named after Trump's May 31 tweet featuring that strange word, would update the laws requiring the White House to archive all presidential communications.

Devin Nunes is still reviewing intelligence on Russia after…

Rep. Devin Nunes of California is reportedly continuing to review intelligence on Russia, despite having recused himself from the House Intelligence Committee's investigation. According to sources on the committee cited in a CNN report published Thursday, Nunes was reported to have taken a trip to the CIA this week to review the intelligence.

Ranking Democrat: ‘We Do Not Yet Know Whether the Russians Had the Help of U.S. Citizens’

Rep. Adam Schiff , the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, made something very clear in his opening statement on Monday: "Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians had the help of U.S. citizens, including people associated with the Trump campaign," he said. "Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests.