Virginia man who captured Charlottesville vehicle attack on camera…

A Virginia man who captured on video last year's vehicle attack in Charlottesville, Va., is suing Alex Jones, InfoWars, former Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., and others for defamation after he became the subject of conspiracy theories. Georgetown Law's Civil Rights Clinic filed the lawsuit in federal court Tuesday on behalf of Brennan Gilmore, a resident of Albemarle County, Va., who attended the August counter-protest at the "Unite the Right" rally.

The InfoWars Hit Austin: Alex Jones in Richard Linklater’s Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly

Mainstream awareness of Breitbart, Infowars and other unsavory conservative "news" outlets has skyrocketed, as millions suddenly found themselves needing to know who Steve Bannon et al. were. For me, none of these outlets or talking points were news: I'm Texas born-and-raised.