Most Valley Congressmen, senators support cyber hacking probe

With Illinois Senator Dick Durbin calling for a National Intelligence Estimate on the subject, most - but not all - members of the Wabash Valley Congressional delegation support investigations by Congress and the Obama Administration into possible Russian intervention in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Durbin is among nine Democratic senators who this week called on James Clapper, director of national intelligence, to provide an authoritative assessment of the collective judgment of the nation's 16 intelligence agencies into allegations Russia intervened in the election, possibly to assist Donald Trump, and publication of an unclassified summary of key judgments by Jan. 20, 2017.

Two weeks out: Democrats have the edge in the fight for the Senate

States that many thought would be the crux of their battle ground map, like Ohio and Florida, have moved down or completely off the list. But Democrats have successfully expanded the map enough so that they have multiple paths to the five seats they need for an outright majority - or four if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, which also looks increasingly likely.

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton as a SNLa tackles third presidential debate with Tom Hanks

As fall brings cooler temperatures to Central Illinois, one of the things to keep in mind is natural gas safety. Democrats are counting on U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth to defeat Illinois Republican U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk as the party looks to reclaim the majority in the chamber.

Can Democrats regain Senate control? Prospects are improving

Republicans are bracing for a rough time keeping control of the Senate, and a new Roll Call assessment of the races shows they have reason to worry. They evaluated the challengers and offered a new list Tuesday.

Will this Missouri Democrat determine the fate of the U.S. Senate?

The Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call on Tuesday ranked Missouri Democrat Jason Kander as the top candidate likely to change control of the U.S. Senate. Kander, 35, is looking to upset incumbent Sen. Roy Blunt, a 66-year-old Republican who has served nearly two decades in Congress.

In pre-debate bombshell, Trump holds event with women who accuse Bill …

Just 90 minutes before the biggest moment of his political life, Donald Trump showed no sign of contrition as he held an impromptu press conference with the most prominent accusers in Bill Clinton's past with women. Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Kathy Shelton and Paula Jones huddled at the Four Seasons in St Louis just a short drive from the debate stage in St. Louis with his presidential campaign in crisis and his party in open rebellion against him.

Polls: GOP Closing Fast on Senate Seats

The GOP's chances of holding the Senate just got a big push: Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin moved into striking distance of the long-favored Democratic nominees, according to recent polls. A poll from Emerson College showed the race in Illinois was close - with Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth leads Kirk by only 41 percent to 39 percent among likely voters.

Morning Spin: Why Rauner fears teacher pension board vote

Welcome to Clout Street: Morning Spin, our weekday feature to catch you up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield. The board that oversees the Teachers Retirement System is scheduled to vote on whether to lower the expected rate of return on investments, a move Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner 's office has warned could blow a massive hole into the state's already shaky finances.

Kirk on Iran: Obama acting like ‘drug dealer in chief’

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk criticized President Barack Obama for delivering money to the Iranian government in coordination with the release of Americans being held prisoner there -- saying he was "acting like the drug dealer in chief." The comments came in a sit-down last week with the editorial board of The State Journal-Register, according to the Illinois paper's political writer.

Top Illinois Republicans are no-shows in Cleveland

The quadrennial celebration of the Grand Old Party in Cleveland this week will be missing some key members from Illinois. Top Republicans from the Land of Lincoln are taking a pass on the Republican National Convention where delegates are expected to nominate contentious real estate developer Donald Trump.

In tight re-election bid, Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk steps away from GOP

Sen. Mark Kirk made his second appearance in Chicago's gay Pride Parade this year. He broke ranks to support Democrat-backed gun control measures and called his party's presumptive presidential nominee "too bigoted and racist" for the job.

In tight race, Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk steps away from GOP

" Sen. Mark Kirk made his second appearance in Chicago's gay Pride Parade this year. He broke ranks to support Democrat-backed gun control measures and called his party's presumptive presidential nominee "too bigoted and racist" for the job.

Workplace retaliation suit against Tammy Duckworth settled

A settlement in the workplace retaliation lawsuit against U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth concluded Friday with an agreement that no law was violated, removing an obstacle in her bid to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk in one of November's most competitive Senate races. The lawsuit from two employees of a home for veterans alleged Democrat Duckworth violated state ethics laws by taking action against them when she was head of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.

Judge Sets Trial Date in Lawsuit Against Duckworth

A judge in southern Illinois has set an Aug. 15 trial date in a workplace retaliation lawsuit filed against U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth. The Democratic congresswoman is challenging Republican U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk in one of November's most competitive Senate races.