Prof. says firing shows anti-conservative bias

Lost amid a flurry of Facebook announcements about privacy settings and data ac... After a tough day before the Senate Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrapped up his two-day trip to Capitol Hill on Wednesday with testimony before a House committee. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrapped up his two-day trip to Capitol Hill with testimony before a House committee Wednesday.

Democratic attorneys general compete to churn out lawsuits against Trumpa s agenda

With Democrats struggling to stop President Trump in Washington, a cadre of attorneys general have stepped up to claim leadership of the anti- Trump resistance, using the courts to try to derail the administration's agenda. Massachusetts, New York and California are leading the way, with Maryland, Washington and Hawaii also playing major roles in launching legal battles to stop executive actions on issues such as immigration, the environment and Obamacare.

Wisconsin voters have better impression of Pence than Kaine

Wisconsin voters have a better impression of Donald Trump's running mate Mike Pence than Hillary Clinton's vice presidential pick Tim Kaine. A Marquette University Law School poll released Wednesday shows 37 percent of registered voters have a positive view of Pence, while 26 percent have a positive opinion of Kaine.

Polls: GOP Closing Fast on Senate Seats

The GOP's chances of holding the Senate just got a big push: Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin moved into striking distance of the long-favored Democratic nominees, according to recent polls. A poll from Emerson College showed the race in Illinois was close - with Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth leads Kirk by only 41 percent to 39 percent among likely voters.

Libertarian presidential nominee woos Wisconsin voters

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson made a campaign stop in Wisconsin where a new poll shows about three-quarters of state residents don't know enough about him to form an opinion. Johnson thanked the crowd for showing up at Serb Hall in Milwaukee Thursday on a night in which the Green Bay Packers were wrapping up the preseason.

Trump’s Rust Belt hopes rise in Wisconsin

A victory in the Badger State would dramatically reshape the daunting electoral map Trump faces and potentially indicate strength in other Rust Belt states where the GOP nominee has long argued his populist pitch will resonate. A Marquette University poll - considered the gold standard in Wisconsin politics - found Trump moving to within 3 points of Clinton after trailing by 15 points in the previous survey from early August.