‘I don’t want to remember these things’: dark pop poet John Murry on surviving rape, heroin and family strife

The singer-songwriter talks about his relative William Faulkner, his violent childhood and drugs – and saves a surprise until the end

If you’re after cheery crowdpleasers, John Murry is not your man. Murry is 41, barely known, and has never come close to denting the charts. Yet he has been compared to the great existential pop poets Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen and Scott Walker. And with good reason – he has a rich baritone, writes gorgeous ballads and is half in love with death. The titles of his first two albums, The Graceless Age and A Short History of Decay, reflect the melancholy at the heart of his work. The title of his third, The Stars Are God’s Bullet Holes, is equally bleak. Yet, it turns out that Murry has a surprise in store.

The singer-songwriter is related to the Nobel-prize winning American novelist William Faulkner. Like Faulkner, he paddles along his stream of consciousness – sometimes ferociously. You get a sense of what his songs are about, but seldom know for sure. Take the new album’s opener, Oscar Wilde (Came Here to Make Fun of You). We get the references to terrorist attacks and the images of foreboding, but the meaning is left to us.

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The 50 best songs about Europe – ranked!

Brexit is delayed – so voyager avec nous on a trans-European tour of music, from Paris to Berlin via Finistère. Tout le monde à bord!

Poor old Lloyd went to Amsterdam and all he got was double pneumonia in a single room. And, by the sounds of it, his love life is going horribly wrong. Just don’t ask him about the price of medicine (obviously he didn’t get his European health insurance card). It’s enough to make anyone go No Deal, really.

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GOP on defense to explain pre-existing condition protections

This combination of file photos shows Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker, left, and his Democratic challenger Tony Evers in the 2018 November general election. Walker, who is seeking a third term, has been working for years to repeal Obama's health care law and signed off on the state attorney general joining the lawsuit against it.

Voice of the people: Slam on Madigan misguided

Professor James Nowlan has joined Rauner's anti-Madigan crusade with his recent commentary . Noted that Nowlan demurs from totally taking up the whine of Rauner and his merry band of political dependents, who portray the Illinois speaker of the House as an arch villain like "Darth Vader," but then he claims galactically "Madigan has shut down democracy in Illinois."

Newt Gingrich: How Trump moves ahead, despite the media

The media has been fully fixated on the eminent confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, but in the meantime, President Trump has once again proven his trade strategy is paying off. In case you missed it, President Trump has effectively replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement , which he has promised to do since the campaign and the institutional elites said was impossible.

Walker would welcome Trump during hardest gubernatorial race

Gov. Scott Walker, reiterating that he's in the toughest race for governor in his career, said Friday he would welcome a visit from President Donald Trump to help him out even as polls show most Wisconsin voters disapprove of the job Trump is doing. Walker told reporters after a stop at Automation Components Inc. that he's said "100 times" he would be glad if Trump visited, even while admitting that anger over politics in Washington is fueling his opponents.

Wisconsin Legislature to return for Kimberly-Clark

The Wisconsin Legislature plans to return the week after the November election for a lame duck session to vote on a $100 million tax incentive bill that would keep paper products maker Kimberly-Clark from shuttering a plant that employs about 500 people. The company wanted the Legislature to pass the proposal by the end of September, but said Tuesday it will wait until after lawmakers meet before deciding what to do about the Fox Crossing plant.

In Wisconsin, a running mate shakes up governor’s race Source: AP

Wisconsin's Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor has been mistaken for a dead car crash victim, been confused with a white guy, been wrongly accused of kneeling during the national anthem and had his name left out of voter guides. Mandela Barnes is also shaking up the governor's race in a way rarely done by a running mate in Wisconsin.

Walters: Don’t expect vote on tax break for Kimberly-Clark before Election Day

There are several reasons why Republican Gov. Scott Walker and lawmakers won't meet Kimberly-Clark's ultimatum to approve Foxconn-like tax breaks by Sept. 30. "We've requested that the vote occur by the end of September," Kimberly-Clark official Brook Smith told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel last week.


Gov. Scott Walker pledged Friday to ensure those with pre-existing conditions would be covered in Wisconsin if the Affordable Care Act were repealed -- a key provision of the law known as Obamacare that he has long opposed. "If something were to change, Scott Walker would call a special session in a heartbeat and get it passed," Walker's campaign spokesman, Brian Reisinger, said Friday after Walker's Republican running mate and Democratic opponent traded jabs over the issue.

Walker touts college credit, Democrats hit him on insurance

Republican Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday touted his new plan to give college graduates $5,000 over five years if they promise to stay in Wisconsin, while a Democratic group launched an attack ad featuring a woman with breast cancer who says Walker doesn't care about families like hers. Walker faces Democrat Tony Evers, the state schools chief, in the November election.

Wisconsin’s Walker tries to alter conversation amid bad news Source: AP

Embattled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his allies tried to change the conversation of his re-election campaign on Monday, as bad news continued to pile up for the two-term Republican incumbent. The Republican Governors Association launched a new attack ad against his Democratic opponent, Tony Evers, while Walker opened a new front in the campaign by tweeting that Evers, the state schools chief, hasn't done enough to close the achievement gap.

The Circus of Resistance – The resistance to Donald Trump … (Victor …

GOP candidate for Fla. governor spoke at racially charged events - Rep. Ron DeSantis , a gubernatorial nominee who recently was accused of using racially tinged language, spoke four times at conferences organized by a conservative activist who has said that African Americans owe The Urgent Question of Trump and Money Laundering - How Bruce Ohr, President Trump's latest Twitter target, fits a suspicious pattern of behavior on Russia.

Swedish election: Main blocs neck and neck as nationalists gain

GOP candidate for Fla. governor spoke at racially charged events - Rep. Ron DeSantis , a gubernatorial nominee who recently was accused of using racially tinged language, spoke four times at conferences organized by a conservative activist who has said that African Americans owe The Urgent Question of Trump and Money Laundering - How Bruce Ohr, President Trump's latest Twitter target, fits a suspicious pattern of behavior on Russia.

North Korea is still making nukes, and the Trump admin is taking a harder line

GOP candidate for Fla. governor spoke at racially charged events - Rep. Ron DeSantis , a gubernatorial nominee who recently was accused of using racially tinged language, spoke four times at conferences organized by a conservative activist who has said that African Americans owe The Urgent Question of Trump and Money Laundering - How Bruce Ohr, President Trump's latest Twitter target, fits a suspicious pattern of behavior on Russia.

Wisconsin GOP leader: Not enough votes for paper plants bill

A Republican co-chair of the Legislature's budget committee said Monday there are not enough votes in the Senate to pass a tax break bill designed to keep open a pair of Kimberly-Clark Corp. plants in northeast Wisconsin, saving more than 600 jobs. Kimberly-Clark, which makes Kleenex tissue, Huggies diapers and other paper products said earlier this year it planned to shutter the plants , but hopes of saving them were rekindled last month after the union representing workers there agreed to concessions.

Wisconsin GOP leader: Not enough votes now for plant bill

A Republican co-chair of the Legislature's budget committee said Monday there are not enough votes in the Senate to pass a tax break bill designed to keep open a pair of Kimberly-Clark Corp. plants in northeast Wisconsin, saving more than 600 jobs. Kimberly-Clark, which makes Kleenex tissue, Huggies diapers and other paper products said earlier this year it planned to shutter the plants , but hopes of saving them were rekindled last month after the union representing workers there agreed to concessions.

Scott Walker In Trouble In Wisconsin?

A new poll suggests that Governor Scott Walker could be in trouble as he seeks a third term as Governor of Wisconsin, but he's been counted out before only bounce back and confound the doubters. A new poll from NBC News and Marist College shows Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker trailing a Democratic challenger by double-digits, part of a raft of rough results for Republicans across three Midwestern states.

Crowded Wisconsin Democratic primary spurs national discussion about party of ‘identity politics and victimology’

Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn's recent characterization of the Democratic Party's "identity politics and victimology" appears to be a reality expressed by a growing national movement. Flynn is one of 10 candidates in a crowded Democratic primary field seeking the nomination to run against Republican Gov. Scott Walker in November.