Walker would welcome Trump during hardest gubernatorial race

Gov. Scott Walker, reiterating that he's in the toughest race for governor in his career, said Friday he would welcome a visit from President Donald Trump to help him out even as polls show most Wisconsin voters disapprove of the job Trump is doing. Walker told reporters after a stop at Automation Components Inc. that he's said "100 times" he would be glad if Trump visited, even while admitting that anger over politics in Washington is fueling his opponents.

Memorial Militia guy now heads Bikers for Trump

Mount Pleasant woodcarver and artist Chris Cox, who made international news in 2013 when he formed the Memorial Militia to clean up the National Mall during the government shutdown, will go big-time Sunday with his latest cause: promoting Donald Trump. Cox is founder of Bikers for Trump , which for the past few months has been traveling the country adding an extra layer of security and promotion at Trump rallies and events.