Debate highlights three-way Senate race in New Mexico

In this May 18, 2016, file photo, then-Libertarian presidential candidate and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson speaks with legislators at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City. Johnson wants to occupy a potentially powerful swing seat in the U.S. Senate, as Republican and Democrats jockey for the majority in November 2018 elections.

The Latest: New Mexico Democrat defends role in Senate

In this May 18, 2016, file photo, then-Libertarian presidential candidate and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson speaks with legislators at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City. Johnson wants to occupy a potentially powerful swing seat in the U.S. Senate, as Republican and Democrats jockey for the majority in November 2018 elections.

Want election results? On West Coast, patience is required

Johnson wants to occupy a potent... 2016 presidential candidate Gary Johnson is steering back into the eye of the Washington political storm with a bid to join the Senate as a Libertarian swing vote. . This March 2017 photo provided by Johns Hopkins University shows therapy dog Winnie at the university's hospital in Baltimore, Md.

Send the Straight-Ticket Ballot Option Straight to the Trash

Having a "one-punch" option to choose every candidate from a political party alters election results, changes politicians' behavior, and reinforces the advantage of the locally dominant party. Can an elected secretary of state unilaterally change the ballot in a way that benefits her political party, contradicts previous legislation and blunts the campaign of the most serious third-party candidate running for U.S. Senate in 40 years? That's what the New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously rejected yesterday .

In New Mexico Senate race, Heinrich joins Johnson in call to legalize cannabis

And this summer, Heinrich signed on with little fanfare as a co-sponsor of the Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act, which would remove the drug from the federal government's list of Schedule I narcotics. Of course, one of Heinrich's two challengers, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, a Libertarian, has been calling for legalizing marijuana since the 1990s, before it was cool.

Libertarian Party courts Gary Johnson for Senate run Source: AP

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Michael Cohen’s bombshell: What it means legally and why he probably isn’t cooperatinga yet

Donald John Trump Yemeni-American man kills himself after family blocked from entering US by Trump admin Dershowitz on MSNBC panel: 'Don't you dare accuse me' of defending Trump Bannon slams Kochs: 'What they have to do is shut up and get with the program' MORE 's fixer-in-chief has reversed course , subjecting himself to potential perjury charges, to tell the world that Trump knew about, and approved, the now infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016.

NORC Poll: Majority approve of Trump’s North Korea effort

A majority of Americans now approve of President Donald Trump's handling of U.S. relations with North Korea, a change that comes after his historic summit with that country's leader, Kim Jong Un. But most don't believe Kim is serious about addressing the international concerns about his country's nuclear weapons program.

Third-party votes: Waste, protest or viable choice?

With the primary election behind us, it would appear that we're all settled with pairs of candidates for each state and national race on the horizon in November. Blankenship, who lost the Republican U.S. Senate primary to Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, switched his party affiliation and said he has accepted the nomination of the West Virginia Constitution Party, according to a Journal article Tuesday.

Twenty-year-old Topeka Libertarian launches bid for Kansas governor

A 20-year-old graduate of Topeka High School revealed Saturday a decision to campaign for the office of Kansas governor as a Libertarian. Thomas Padgett, who works for a small business and has never sought elective office, said inspiration to join the field of about two-dozen gubernatorial candidates was drawn from frustration with the 2016 presidential nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties.

Gary Johnson on AG Sessions and his “his increasingly lonely crusade against pot.”

Anyone who knows former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, or who has read anything about former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson could make a good guess at his opinion of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' recent marijuana move. I'm talking about Sessions' decision to nullify the U.S. Justice Department's hands-off policy toward states that have legalized medical and/or recreational marijuana.

‘The Dreamer program?’ Alabama Senate hopeful Roy Moore doesn’t appear to know what DACA is

The Republican leading in the runoff race in Alabama's Senate primary appears to have no idea what one of the biggest political issues of the moment even is. In a July 11 interview with "The Dale Jackson Show" on local radio WVNN , and uncovered Friday by Washington Examiner columnist Philip Wegmann , Judge Roy Moore appears totally stumped on what the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is -- you know, the one that's been a rallying cry on the right for liberal overreach for years, and the one President Trump has said he'll decide about over the weekend, and the one some Republicans in Congress are paradoxically encouraging him to keep.

Strong reaction in New Hampshire to Trump’s ‘drug-infested den’ remarks

Those show the range of reactions in New Hampshire to President Donald Trump's characterization of the state as a "drug-infested den" while speaking to Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto in January. Trump's remarks came to light this week when The Washington Post published a transcript of the phone conversation between the two leaders.

Bush Beats Trump! And Other Insurance Political Giving News

Monumental views on insurance and risk in the nation's capital? S urely we jest. Well, we will take an occasional dip into the Potomac waters to poke fun, but overall we hope this reporting on insurance and risk as seen from the nation's capital will be worthy of reflection.