Want election results? On West Coast, patience is required

Johnson wants to occupy a potent... 2016 presidential candidate Gary Johnson is steering back into the eye of the Washington political storm with a bid to join the Senate as a Libertarian swing vote. . This March 2017 photo provided by Johns Hopkins University shows therapy dog Winnie at the university's hospital in Baltimore, Md.

The End of the Iran Deal and Trump’s New, Confrontational Foreign Policy

Big on headlines, brash in demands, but short on long-term strategy, his course risks failing in Iran, North Korea, and beyond. On January 20, 1981, John Limbert and fifty-one other American diplomats were taken to Tehran's international airport on a bus, after being held in captivity by young revolutionaries for four hundred and forty-four days.

Trump wants to end welfare as Bill Clinton knows it

Overhauling welfare was one of the defining goals of Bill Clinton's presidency, starting with a campaign promise to "end welfare as we know it," continuing with a bitter policy fight and producing change that remains hotly debated 20 years later. Now, President Donald Trump wants to put his stamp on the welfare system, apparently in favor of a more restrictive policy.

From Halifax County farm to Hillary Clinton’s host

Dr. Bruce Allen Carter, who grew up in Halifax County and since has relocated to south Florida, enjoyed a unique political moment this week - hosting a fund raising event at his home for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton campaigned in south Florida by hitting major cities in Miami, Tampa and Orlando earlier this week.