Puerto Rico board files bankruptcy-like case to cut island debt

The process that Puerto Rico has undertaken is a prelude to bankruptcy, but in this case it is tailored for governments. Because of the impending bankruptcy filing, lawsuits will presumably be frozen, preventing court rulings that favor one creditor group over another.

Live Video: Violence during Portland May Day march

Portland and Salem were among dozens of U.S. cities holding rallies and marches on May Day to protest the treatment of workers and President Donald Trump's efforts to deport undocumented immigrants. Participants in Portland's May Day event met at Shemanski Park around 3 p.m. and began marching about a half hour later.

Thousands Expected to Show at Bay Area May Day Rallies

Protestors assembled and businesses closed during "A Day Without Immigrants," a strike and boycott staged by immigrants to protest the Trump administration's immigration agenda and to demonstrate the importance of immigrants to the U.S. economy and way of life. Hundreds of thousands of protesters on Monday are expected to gather across the country for International Workers' Day - a May 1 tradition that has gained renewed momentum as strident immigration rhetoric continues to seep out of the Trump administration.