US presidents should be judged on their accomplishments

I was a dopey sophomore in high school at the time, but even I could see there was something between the president and this aging sex symbol. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower supposedly had girlfriends, John Kennedy had affairs, Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky and others, Jimmy Carter had lust in his heart, Barack Obama smoked and Donald Trump had a porn star before he was president.

Republicans are asking a horrific question: Is our president insane?

On his 92nd birthday, March 8, 1933, retired Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was paid a surprise visit by the newly inaugurated president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The two men chatted for half an hour and, after Roosevelt departed, a young clerk asked Holmes what he thought of the new man in the White House.

The Shadowy History Of Secret White House Tapes

In 2003, reporters listen to the then-newly released 240 hours of Nixon White House recorded conversations at the National Archives in College Park, Md. Joyce Naltchayan/AFP/Getty Images hide caption In 2003, reporters listen to the then-newly released 240 hours of Nixon White House recorded conversations at the National Archives in College Park, Md.