Don Trump Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle kiss after speech

Donald Trump Jr, 40, delivered a speech at the Montana Republican Party's annual convention in Billings on Friday and gave his new girlfriend a shout out He thanked Fox Host Kimberly Guilfoyle, 49, for attending and said he would take her shooting and fishing in the Montana countryside The two have been dating since March, around the time Trump Jr and wife Vanessa announced their split after 13 years of marriage Donald Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle continued to flaunt their new romance as they shared a kiss at the Montana Republican Party 's annual convention. The Fox host supported her new beau as he delivered a speech in Billings, Montana, on Friday, where he announced he was going to take Guilfoyle fishing and shooting.

The Latest: Montana Sen. Tester, Rep. Gianforte advance

This March 22, 2018 file photo shows candidates for the Republican nomination to U.S. Senate, from left, Russell Fagg, Troy Downing, Matt Rosendale and Albert Olszewski listen to a question posed by a moderator belonging to the College Republicans at Montana State University in Bozeman, Mont. Outside money has poured into Montana's Republican U.S. Senate primary that will decide the challenger for Democratic incumbent Jon Tester.

U.S. interior secretary Zinke urges mining ban near Yellowstone

A herd of bison appears in Yellowstone National Park's Lamar Valley in Montana on Aug. 26, 2016. U.S. officials plan to block new mining claims outside Yellowstone National Park as the Obama administration races in its last days to keep industry out of pristine and environmentally sensitive areas.

US student is freed after week held in China in taxi dispute

This undated file photo provided by Jennifer McLean shows her son, University of Montana student Guthrie McLean, on the Great Wall of China. Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines says police in central China freed 25-year-old Guthrie McLean early Monday local time, after he was arrested in China a week earlier after reportedly injuring a taxi driver who was roughing up his mother in a fare dispute.

US student freed after week held in China over taxi dispute

Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines says police in central China freed 25-year-old Guthri... . FILE - This undated file photo provided by Jennifer McLean shows her son, University of Montana student Guthrie McLean, on the Great Wall of China.