Mashpee Wampanoags: Decision expected on land in trust by Sept. 21

Officials with the U.S Department of Interior have told attorneys for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe that there will be a decision by Sept. 21 on whether the agency will be able to keep the tribe's reservation in trust, according to a statement issued Monday by the tribe.

News | Warren Visits General Dynamics Facility, Views Battlefield Communications Demonstration

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed visited the General Dynamics facility Taunton to take in a demonstration of the U.S. Army's battlefield communications network, Warfighter Information Network . "WIN-T is the backbone of our Army's communications and data system.

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s casino hopes rekindled

As members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe celebrate their culture this weekend at the 96th annual powwow with food, dancing and music, the shifting clouds of uncertainty continue to hover over one of their greatest shared assets: land. The U.S. Department of the Interior on Friday declined a request by the tribe to suspend a review of whether it qualifies for land into trust under an alternative category to the one a federal judge rejected last year.