Texas pecan growers monitor tariffs, markets during harvest

The Austin American-Statesman reports the 2018 harvest is gearing up amid widespread anxiety over the price of the official Texas state nut. China - the top buyer of U.S. pecans - slapped a 47 percent tariff on them this summer as part of its broad effort to fight back against what it views as the Trump administration's hardball "America First" trade policies.

Trump brings ZTE, sanctions-busting smart phone giant, back to life….

The Trump administration agreed Thursday to resurrect Chinese phone maker ZTE, in exchange for a $1 billion fine and a management overhaul meant to ensure the tech giant won't bust U.S. sanctions against Iran and North Korea again. The move was widely condemned in Congress, where lawmakers in both parties -- including Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn -- had warned President Donald Trump not to cave to Chinese pressure or use the enforcement action against ZTE as a bargaining chip in trade talks.

Congressmen urge UT-Dallas, other Texas universities to cut ties with China’s Confucius Institute

Two Texas congressman urged Texas universities to cut ties with Chinese government supported academic organizations, citing concern that the Chinese government could influence American education and possibly gather intelligence through their presence at schools. Republican Michael McCaul of Austin and Democrat Henry Cuellar of Laredo said in a joint statement Thursday they strongly urge universities to end their partnerships with the Confucius Institute.

Man wins lawsuit in China over forced gay conversion therapy

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is feeling the heat after he was photographed sunning himself on a beach that he had closed to the public as part of a government shutdown. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is feeling the heat after he was photographed sunning himself on a beach that he had closed to the public as part of a government shutdown.