Democrats are already building a case against Trumpa s pick to lead Treasury Department

Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Treasury, arrives at Trump Tower in New York on Dec. 12. President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Treasury Department is likely to face a contentious confirmation battle centered on his purchase of a failed subprime mortgage lender that repeatedly has been accused of wrongful foreclosures. The formal vetting process for Steven T. Mnuchin, who served as Trump's campaign finance chairman and worked at investment bank Goldman Sachs for nearly two decades, has not yet begun.

Trump holds Q&A, discussing jobs, Russia, Israel

President-elect Donald Trump applauded the return of 8,000 jobs to the U.S. and hailed his transition discussions with President Barack Obama in a series of comments that amounted to the most detailed interaction he's had with journalists since before the election. In one of his cameos Wednesday on the front steps of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump touted plans by a Japanese mogul to bring jobs to the United States.

Donald Trump credits impending administration for return of 8,000 jobs from Sprint

After weeks of giving only brief comments to the media, Donald Trump made a series of public statements Wednesday, applauding the return of 8,000 jobs to the U.S. and hailing his discussions with President Barack Obama. In one of his cameos on the front steps of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump touted plans by a Japanese mogul to bring those jobs to the United States.

Donald Trump’s strong suit doesn’t appear to be consistency

From installing Wall Street executives in his Cabinet to avoiding news conferences, the president-elect is adopting some of the same behavior for which he criticized Clinton during their campaign. "I know the guys at Goldman Sachs," Trump said at a South Carolina rally in February, when he was locked in a fierce primary battle with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for

In this Dec. 13, 2016, file photo, President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the Wisconsin State Fair Exposition Center in West Allis, Wis. Trump is embracing some of his top attacks on Hillary Clinton as he forms his new administration, engaging in some of the same behavior he used against his rival during the presidential campaign.

Trump exhibiting Clinton-like behavior as president-elect

From installing Wall Street executives in his Cabinet to avoiding news conferences, the president-elect is adopting some of the same behavior for which he criticized Clinton during their fiery presidential campaign. Then : "I know the guys at Goldman Sachs," Trump said at a South Carolina rally in February, when he was locked in a fierce primary battle with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Remember when Dems were blasted for Class War? Meet Trump’s Cabinet

Donald Trump and the business kingpins populating his inner circle want to slice the tax bill of America's top 0.1 percent. In a typical corporate board of directors meeting, what do CEOs see when they look out across their richly lacquered boardroom tables? Lots of other CEOs.

Trump’s pick for budget office is hard-liner on spending

President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday that he would nominate Representative Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina to be his budget director. Mulvaney is a founding member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, the group that led the takedown of John Boehner as speaker In Mulvaney, Trump has chosen for the Office of Management and Budget a spending hard-liner to join an economic team that could be ideologically in conflict, setting up possible collisions during major policymaking next year.

Democrats eye confirmation fight over Trump’s Treasury pick

In this Nov. 30, 2016 file photo, Treasury Secretary-designate Steven Mnuchin talks to reporters as he arrives at Trump Tower in New York. There's growing concern among Republicans about the upcoming Senate confirmation hearings Mnuchin, the Wall Street financier Donald Trump has chosen to head the Treasury Department less FILE - In this Nov. 30, 2016 file photo, Treasury Secretary-designate Steven Mnuchin talks to reporters as he arrives at Trump Tower in New York.

Goldman Sachs president to play key role in setting Trump’s economic policy

Gary Cohn, president of Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs, will play a key role in shaping President-elect Trump's economic policies, as the announced pick to direct the National Economic Council. The selection of the 56-year-old Cohn, announced Monday, again elevates the influence of Goldman Sachs' alumni within the incoming Trump administration.

Now Trump gives Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn the job as his top economic adviser

Cohn will also be the director of the National Economic Council, according to a memo sent out by the Trump transition team This nomination comes after Trump selected a 17-year veteran of the Wall Street mega-bank to head his treasury department Another member of the Goldman Sachs team was officially offered a Trump administration job, with the transition team announcing today that Gary Cohn, the bank's president and COO, would become Donald Trump's top economic adviser. Cohn will be the assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the National Economic, a release from the transition team said.

Trump picks Goldman Sachs executive for top economic post: report

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has picked a Goldman Sachs executive to head the White House National Economic Council, local media reported Friday. Gary Cohn, Goldman's president and chief operating officer, has been offered the director of the key economic council to coordinate domestic and international economic issues across the Trump's administration, according to NBC News.

Trump deepens Goldman ties as he builds out economic team

In the heat of the presidential campaign, Donald Trump accused primary rival Ted Cruz of being controlled by Goldman Sachs because his wife, Heidi, previously worked for the Wall Street giant. He slammed Hillary Clinton for receiving speaking fees from the bank.

Trump jovially rejoins campaign trail, tosses hat to a fan

Appearing jovial and relaxed, Donald Trump plunged back into election politics Friday, a full month after he won the presidency, enthusiastically prodding Louisiana Republicans to turn out for Saturday's Senate runoff election and protect the party's 52-48 margin in Washington. Addressing a large crowd at an airport hangar, at one point he tossed his trademark "Make America Great Again" hat to a supporter.

Trump announces Japanese telecom company will invest $50 billion and 50,000 jobs in the U.S.

Not only is this good news, notes Ben Shapiro , it comes without any strong-arming like we saw in the Carrier deal. In the Carrier deal, Trump cudgeled Carrier into accepting a $7 million tax incentive in return for a $65 million operating loss by threatening Carrier's parent company with the loss of billions of dollars in federal contracts.