How Fossil Fuels Won (and Lost) a Thirty Years’ War

Thirty years ago this summer, James Hansen, then at NASA, provided landmark testimony to Congress about the links between fossil fuels and climate change. The U.S. was suffering one of its worst droughts ever and Yellowstone National Park was burning.

Mike Pompeo narrowly confirmed to be secretary of state

The Senate narrowly confirmed Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state on Thursday, clearing the path for him to take over as the top U.S. diplomat just as President Donald Trump faces high-risk moments on Iran and North Korea. Pompeo, the outgoing CIA director, secured support from 57 senators, with 42 voting no - one of the slimmest margins for the job in recent history.

Judge dismisses Exxon lawsuit to stop climate change probes

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed Exxon Mobil Corp.'s lawsuit seeking to stop New York and Massachusetts from probing whether the oil and gas company covered up its knowledge about climate change and lied to investors and the public about it. U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni in Manhattan rejected as "implausible" Exxon's argument that the states' Democratic attorneys general, Eric Schneiderman and Maura Healey, were pursuing politically motivated, bad-faith fraud investigations in order to violate its constitutional rights.

In Pompeo, Trump has the enabler for his multifaceted China policy

Ankit Panda writes that while Rex Tillerson's State Department drifted away from the White House, the new secretary may boost diplomacy's role in enacting Trump's agenda US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's services are no longer required, President Donald Trump has determined. Instead, Trump has chosen Mike Pompeo, currently the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to succeed Tillerson, the former ExxonMobil executive, as America's top diplomat.

Trump picks camera-proven Kudlow as top economic aide

President Donald Trump has chosen Larry Kudlow to be his top economic aide, elevating the influence of a long-time fixture on the CNBC business news network who previously served in the Reagan administration and has emerged as a leading evangelist for tax cuts and a smaller government.

Trump fires top diplomat Tillerson after clashes, taps Pompeo

U.S. President Donald Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday after a series of public rifts over policy on North Korea, Russia and Iran, replacing his chief diplomat with loyalist CIA Director Mike Pompeo. The biggest shakeup of Trump's Cabinet since he took office in January 2017 was announced by the president on Twitter as his administration works toward a meeting with the leader of North Korea.

Cohen: Donald Trump’s first year brims with success

WINNING: President Trump, accompanied by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, right, has lunch with the United Nations Security Council yesterday. Not only have his policies added over $8 trillion in value to the stock market - in year one of his administration - the economy is roaring and unemployment is at an all-time low.

Michael Bloomberg’s Silence On De Blasio’s Climate Lawsuit Speaks Volumes

Former New York Mayor-turned anti-oil activist Michael Bloomberg has yet to render a judgement about his successor's highly-publicized climate change lawsuit against oil companies. Bloomberg refuses to address the controversy, while other prominent activists take a skeptical approach toward the pursuit against Exxon Mobil and other companies criticized for producing emissions some argue contributes to global warming "Fundamentally, solving the climate problem is about looking to the future, not the past," Jason Grumet, president of the Bipartisan Policy Center, told Axios in an interview Thursday.

Tillerson backs Trump as book casts mental health doubts

Washington, Washington's chief diplomat Rex Tillerson found himself obliged to defend President Donald Trump's fitness for office Friday after a bombshell new book called into doubt his mental health. In an extraordinary portion of a television interview on foreign policy challenges, Tillerson was asked about claims that Trump has a short attention span, regularly repeats himself and refuses to read briefing notes.

Oil Giant Exxon Just Caved To The Demands Of Global Warming Activists

Oil giant ExxonMobil has capitulated to activist shareholders and will begin issuing detailed reports on potential risks "climate change policies" pose to its business operations. "These enhancements will include energy demand sensitivities, implications of two degree Celsius scenarios, and positioning for a lower-carbon future," Exxon wrote in a federal regulatory filing submitted Monday night.

White House seeks to move past Trump/Tillerson friction WASHINGTON…

The Trump administration sought Thursday to move past the brouhaha over Rex Tillerson's reported insult of his boss, making clear President Donald Trump alone sets the nation's agenda that his advisers must execute. A day after the duo's sometimes difficult relationship burst into public view, the president joined his top diplomat in disputing a report that Tillerson had considered abandoning Trump's Cabinet earlier this year.

Rexit: Tillerson hangs on to job, but for how long?

Trump has at times appeared to undercut Tillerson's message on some of America's most sensitive national security challenges, including Iran and North Korea The moment was as remarkable as it was unprecedented: a sitting US secretary of state took to the microphone to pledge his fealty to the president - despite his well-documented unhappiness in the job and the growing presumption in Washington that he is a short-timer. Rex Tillerson said Wednesday he would stay as long as US President Donald Trump wants him to , and Trump said he has "full confidence" in the former ExxonMobil chief executive.

Appeals court voids pipeline safety order for Exxon

An appeals court has voided an order that would have required Exxon Mobil to revise its pipeline-safety procedures after a 2013 oil spill in Arkansas. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued the order in 2015, and it could have applied to more than 1,000 miles of the Texas oil and gas company's pipelines.

State Dept survey reveals despair in the ranks: ‘People do not…

A survey of workers in the U.S. State Department under President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has found that morale is at low and that employees "do not speak optimistically about the future." The Hill reported on a document obtained by the Wall Street Journal that details just how deep dissatisfaction runs in the rank and file of the State Department and U.S. diplomatic corps.

LETTERS: Readers speak out on climate, health care

Recent guest column by U.S. Rep. Randy Weber supporting President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement;Trump's own secretary of state, formerly Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, argued for acceptance.When it comes to how high they price their products, drug companies want the public to ignore what they spend on marketing and the tax breaks ... (more)