When Companies Deny Climate Science, Their Workers Pay

After decades spreading misinformation about greenhouse gas emissions' role as a driver of climate change, the deceptive tactics of the fossil fuel industry are slowly beginning to backfire. In December, for instance, General Electric announced major cuts to its fossil-fuel-heavy power department - and the pain of this unplanned transition is already being felt by the people least responsible for the company's decisions: its workers.

Appeals court voids pipeline safety order for Exxon

An appeals court has voided an order that would have required Exxon Mobil to revise its pipeline-safety procedures after a 2013 oil spill in Arkansas. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued the order in 2015, and it could have applied to more than 1,000 miles of the Texas oil and gas company's pipelines.

U.S. Treasury rejects Exxon Mobil request to drill in Russia

The Trump administration has rejected a request from Exxon Mobil to waive U.S. sanctions against Russia to allow the company to resume oil drilling around the Black Sea. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Friday in a brief statement that the administration "will not be issuing waivers to U.S. companies, including Exxon, authorizing drilling prohibited by current Russian sanctions."

Ap Fact Check: Trump praises Exxon and himself for 2013 plan

President Donald Trump is again citing corporate investments planned before he took office as evidence that his policies are growing jobs and business. "We are already winning again, America!" he tweeted Monday after Exxon Mobil announced the latest details of an expansion initiative that actually began in 2013.

Tillerson’s the man for Trump’s approach of trade over politics

Jesse Friedlander says the seasoned businessman appears set to be a formidable negotiator who will shake up the Washington establishment, with his close ties to Putin and a focus on economics and trade over politics US President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Rex Tillerson, the CEO of Exxon Mobil Corporation, to lead US foreign relations as secretary of state. In the modern era, every secretary of state has been part of the Washington political and/or military establishment.

Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post: Cabinet nominees antidote to 8 years of liberal overreach

Democrats spent the first two decades of the post-Cold War era rather relaxed about Russian provocations and revanchism. President Obama famously mocked Mitt Romney in 2012 for suggesting that Russia was our principal geopolitical adversary.

Wall Street Breakfast: Fed In Focus After Trump Reshapes Markets

Seeking Alpha's flagship daily business news summary, gives you a rapid overview of the day's key financial news. It is published before 7:00 AM ET every market day and delivered to over 900,000 email subscribers.

Court urged to hold Exxon to U.S. order

Exxon Mobil operates more than 1,000 miles of pipeline that is in similar condition to the aging crude-oil line that ruptured and spilled thousands of gallons of oil into a Mayflower neighborhood more than two years ago, attorneys with the U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday. The attorneys commented in a document urging the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to deny Exxon Mobil's request that the court stay, or delay, a federal agency's order that the company comply with several safety directives as a result of the March 29, 2013, accident in Mayflower.

NY attorney general rejects GOP lawmaker’s request on Exxon

New York's attorney general is rejecting a congressional committee chairman's demand for records about his investigation into whether Exxon Mobil misled investors about global warming. Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican and chairman of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, told Attorney General Eric Schneiderman he has until midnight Wednesday to provide documents the committee requested two months ago.

GOP congressmen, NY attorney general in climate dispute

Republican members of Congress have accused New York's Democratic attorney general and his counterparts in 16 other jurisdictions of chilling free speech over climate change through their legal and political campaign to curb fossil fuel burning. Thirteen of the 21 GOP members of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology said in a letter Wednesday that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and the others have been pushed by environmental activists "to use their prosecutorial powers to stifle scientific discourse."