Wrightwood to again honor vets

The community of Wrightwood will again host its annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 28, this year honoring military members serving through America's longest war, the Global War on Terror. Wrightwood's Veteran Memorial Association members feel that military service to their country in peace and war through the years is our overriding commitment, but those serving presently and veterans who have served during this protracted period need to be recognized.

Herea s how much it would cost to repair the storm-damaged gap in Highway 39 above Azusa

Shirley Casas Choate, chief deputy district director of Caltrans, left, Rep. Grace Napolitano, middle and Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger complete helicopter tour of Highway 39 north of Azusa. They flew out of San Gabriel Valley Airport on Monday, Oct. 16, 2017.