Kavanaugh allegations renew debate over alcohol’s effect on memory – especially in teens

Allegations that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford when the two were teenagers have not just prompted uncertainty about Kavanaugh's confirmation, they also have prompted discussion about intoxication, sexual assault and how alcohol impacts memory especially in the developing teenage brain. The contentious topic typically arises in discussions of college sexual assault like the case of Brock Turner, a 19-year-old convicted for sexually assaulting a young woman who had passed out from drinking.

Facebook has ‘no plans’ to listen in on your conversations (for now), but the creepy stories mount

SAN FRANCISCO California technology analyst Brian Solis was having a conversation with a friend while the two were driving through Texas. His friend was buying a ranch in Texas but was having trouble with the financing because it was considered a "barndominium."

Washington has meddled in elections before

"They have no damn right," former Vice President Joe Biden said on Feb. 16, denouncing Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Biden spoke for many Americans who are indignant over the mounting evidence of a multifaceted effort by the Kremlin to sow discord among Americans and tilt the election in favor of Donald Trump.

Trying to keep up with the ‘Dreamers’ debate? Here are 6 essential reads

The future remains uncertain for a group of young people who were brought to the U.S. as children without legal authorization. Some of these so-called "Dreamers" were temporarily shielded from deportation through an Obama-era program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.

Black voters won Alabama for the Dems. Here’s what they need…

As a scholar of African-American and Southern politics for the last 25 years, I've witnessed a lot of election upsets and surprises. None has been more interesting than the Democrat Doug Jones' election to the U.S. Senate in a Dec. 12 special election against Republican Roy Moore.