Nunes vs. Schiff: 5 key areas where they disagree

Was the application to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page a major FBI and Justice Department abuse that amounted to politically motivated surveillance? Or was it the proper extension of an FBI counterintelligence investigation into Trump and Russia? Saturday's release of a Democratic House Intelligence Committee memo rebutting an earlier GOP memo alleging FBI abuse of the surveillance process shows just how diametrically opposed the committee's Democrats and Republicans are when it comes to the FISA surveillance of Page - and the origins of the larger investigation into Trump and Russia now led by special counsel Robert Mueller.

The Plot to Bring Down Donald Trump

Well over a year after the FBI began investigating "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has brought in his first major indictment. Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has been charged with a series of crimes dating back years, though none is tied directly to President With a leak to CNN that indictments were coming, Mueller's office stole the weekend headlines.

Trump denounces dossier funding

President Donald Trump latched onto revelations tying Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign to a dossier of unsubstantiated allegations about his ties to Russia, saying Wednesday that it was a "disgrace" that Democrats had helped pay for research that produced the document. "They're embarrassed by it, but I think it's a disgrace," Trump told reporters, a day after news reports revealed that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, for several months last year, helped fund research that ultimately ended up in the dossier.

Report: DNC and Clinton Campaign Funded the Trump/Russia ‘Steele Dossier’

The Washington Post reported that a law firm representing the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign retained research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. The Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign partially funded the investigation that produced the controversial " Steele Dossier ," according to a 24 October 2017 report by the Washington Post citing "people familiar with the matter."

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said. Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., firm, to conduct the research.