Some Republicans Applaud Trump Call With Taiwan

From left, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton applauded President-elect Donald Trump's decision to accept a telephone call from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday. President-elect Donald Trump's telephone call with Taiwan's president on Friday broke decades of U.S. diplomatic policy in the region and brought a quick objection by China, but several Republican members of Congress have applauded Trump's decision to accept the call.

Tempers flare, as campaign aides assess still-raw 2016 race

Tempers flared and political fault-lines were inflamed, as aides to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton gathered for their first meeting since Election Day. Every four years since 1972, top presidential campaign aides have met for a polite discussion of the fierce battle they just waged.

Trump Taps Jeff Sessions for AG, Mike Pompeo for CIA

President-elect Donald Trump has tapped three senior leaders of his national security and law enforcement teams, choosing Senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general, Representative Mike Pompeo as CIA director and General Mike Flynn as national security adviser, a transition official said on Friday. In choosing Sessions as the nation's chief law enforcement officer, Trump would award a loyalist whose hard-line and at times inflammatory statements on immigration were similar to his own.

The New Republican Coalitionby Yuval Levin Republicans have always un …

But they have long tended to perceive these factions-the grassroots base, the business Right, the conservative movement, and the governing-party establishment-as deeply united by a way of thinking, and not just by transactional relationships. For two decades and more after the end of the Reagan era, Republicans implicitly thought of this coalition in terms we might roughly describe as "The Four Modes of Phil Gramm."

Democrats hope Trump meets his match in Schumer

The battle for America's political soul could come down to a street brawl between two boys from Queens and Brooklyn. Donald Trump and Chuck Schumer are spoiling for a clash once the President-elect takes office next year and the new Democratic Senate minority leader gets his hands on his caucus after winning election on Wednesday.

Donald Trump powwows with Ted Cruz in New York

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team meeting included a sit-down Tuesday with Sen. Ted Cruz, according to the senator's office. Mr. Cruz, a solid conservative and former Texas solicitor general, as been mentioned as a possible pick of a Supreme Court justice or another Cabinet post, although the transition team has not confirmed a possible role for the senator.

Even before 2016 is over, the race for 2020 is well underway

Shown here at a March presidential debate, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, left, and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, right, are among those pondering 2020 runs in the event of a loss by this year's GOP nominee Donald Trump, center. Long before the first polling places opened on Election Day 2016, the race for the 2020 Republican presidential nomination was already underway.

WikiLeaks: DNC and CNN colluded on questions for Trump, Cruz

Newly released emails from WikiLeaks suggest that the Democratic National Committee colluded with CNN in devising questions in April to be asked of then-Republican primary candidate Donald Trump in an upcoming interview. In an email to DNC colleagues on April 25 with the headline "Trump Questions for CNN," a DNC official with the email username asked for ideas for an interview to be conducted by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Liberals No Longer Allowed to Nominate Supreme Court Justices

The latest hotness on the right is to promise not just to hold up Senate hearings on Merrick Garland until we get a new president, but to hold up all hearings for all Supreme Court nominees forever if Hillary Clinton wins: That prospect - which could impact every aspect of American life including climate regulations, abortion and gun rights - was first raised by Senator John McCain of Arizona, then Ted Cruz of Texas and now Richard Burr of North Carolina, who CNN reported Monday talked up the idea at a private event over the weekend.

Ted Cruza s Supreme Court remark draws White House criticism

Sen. Ted Cruz's suggestion of an indefinite Supreme Court vacancy under a President Hillary Clinton raises questions about the credibility and integrity of Republicans who have said the next president should get to the choose who fills the vacancy, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Thursday. Earnest was asked during Thursday's White House press briefing about the Texas Republican's statement that there is a long historical precedent for a Supreme Court operating with fewer justices.

US abstains in UN vote on Cuba embargo for the first time

The United States abstained for the first time in 25 years Wednesday on a U.N. resolution condemning America's economic embargo against Cuba, a measure it had always vehemently opposed. The U.S. was joined in abstaining by Israel, the only other country to vote against the embargo resolution in the General Assembly last year.

Reports: Russia shows off new ‘Satan 2’ missile that could ‘wipe out Texas’

For an even better view of "Texas sizing," check out the following maps to see just how big the state is compared to other landmasses around the world. In June 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a state contract for the "Sarmat" missile, developed as a nuclear deterrent, according to a translation of a Russian publication.

Texas Officials: Voter error, not conspiracy cause ballots to flip from Trump-Pence to Clinton-Kaine

Amid cries of a "rigged election," there were two instances of a GOP ballot being flipped to cast Democratic votes in Tarrant County on Tuesday, the second day of early voting. But, elections officials there say, there's nothing nefarious, just simple "voter error."