Meredith, backed by Koch brothers affiliate, to acquire magazine publisher Time

'Ashamed' Franken says he'll return to work on Monday - Breaking an eight-day silence, the Minnesota senator tells the Star Tribune that he needs to regain trust of those he's let down. - Sen. Al Franken broke his eight-day silence Sunday, reaching out to Minnesota media outlets to talk Sen. Al Franken: 'This has been a shock to me' A week-and-a-half after the first of four allegations of sexual misconduct against DFL Sen. Al Franken surfaced, Franken told MPR News he has felt shocked, embarrassed and ashamed but that he will not leave the Senate.

The Koch Brothers Take Glenn Reynolds’ Advice

Years ago, Glenn Reynolds advised conservative donors to spend less on political campaigns and more on buying up left-wing media properties, especially women's magazines. As in this 2012 New York Post column: [R]ich people wanting to support the Republican Party might want to direct their money somewhere besides TV ads that copy, poorly, what Lee Atwater did decades ago.