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Giant Snacks Inc. started the exchange last month by filing a lawsuit against Wild Dutchman Products Inc. and one of its partners, alleging that Wild Dutchman is misleading consumers about the amount of salt in its products. Wild Dutchman came back with a countersuit earlier this week for what it calls bogus claims Giant Snacks is making about its relationship with sunflower farmers.

Trauner announces Senate bid

The last time Gary Trauner ran for national office he was accused of having robbed a bank when he was 16. Though not true, it taught the 58-year-old Wilson resident an important lesson. "People will do anything to win, and though lots of people say they don't like negative campaigning, it's effective," Trauner said Friday, soon after announcing that he would run as a Democrat in the 2018 race for U.S. Senate.