jsonfield 2.0.0

Please email bjasper@gmail.com if interested. Use PostgreSQL? 1.0.0 introduced a breaking change to the underlying data type, so if you were using < 1.0.0 please read before upgrading.

Arkansas House of Representatives Weekly Column

This session, the House has passed a number of bills aimed at not only creating jobs, but sustaining them and ensuring our workforce is ready. Act 166 creates a state matching grant for small businesses that have received a federal Small Business Innovation Research grant.

kate moss naked wedding day photos stolen

The nude snaps of the supermodel were part of a set of images Kate posed for on her wedding day in 2011. They show her in the buff getting ready for her big day, They were among dozens of private snaps she commissioned to celebrate getting hitched to rocker Jamie Hince, from whom she has since split.

Friends, strangers finish Chelsea’s 7th annual run

More than 8,000 participants gathered in Balboa Park Saturday morning for the 7th annual Finish Chelsea’s 5K Run in memory of Chelsea King. More than 8,000 participants gathered in Balboa Park Saturday morning for the 7th annual Finish Chelsea’s Run in memory of Chelsea King.

Coast Lines, March 5, 2017: Beekeeping basics offered Saturday

The Aptos History Museum presents “Transcending Kitty Hawk; The Real Story of Flight as an Intriguing Slice of Local History” 3-4:30 p.m. Saturday, at the Rio Sands Hotel community room, 116 Aptos Beach Drive. This is the story of John Montgomery whose inventions in aeronautics led to world famous aircraft flights in Aptos and San Jose in 1905.

Labor digest: Labor Department goes silent on workplace safety enforcement under Trump

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… In November, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced fines against businesses with workers who were killed when they were pulled into a wood chipper, burned in a refinery fire and crushed in collapsing grain bins and construction trenches.

Proximity Now The Most Important Ranking Factor for Local Searches.

Whitespark, a team of SEO experts focused on local search, has noticed something big: proximity to the searcher is now the #1 ranking factor for local search pack results. What defines a local search? Think of local searches as searches on a search engine for something you’d traditionally look up in the yellow pages, usually for a place you’d like to physically go .

UGA offers daylong conference on cybersecurity for small businesses

Experts from the FBI, the state of Georgia, Fort Benning and the private sector will come together for a daylong cybersecurity conference presented by the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center on April 6. Cyberstrength 2017 is geared toward small- to medium-sized businesses, particularly those that are vendors for the government or large corporations that are increasingly susceptible to hackers. “We’re encouraging people to anticipate ,” said SBDC State Director Allan Adams.

The Digital Transformation of Special Collections

Journal of Library Administration , Vol. 52, No. 3-4. , pp. 244-264, doi:10.1080/01930826.2012.684504 To insert individual citation into a bibliography in a word-processor, select your preferred citation style below and drag-and-drop it into the document.

wifiphisher added to PyPI

It is primarily a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way for obtaining credentials from captive portals and third party login pages or WPA/WPA2 pre-shared keys.

Oracle Intros Exadata Cloud Machine

We just wanted to let you know that our site content is, of course, available to you absolutely free of charge. Our ads are the only way we have to be able to bring you the latest high-quality content, which is written by professional journalists, with the help of editors, graphic designers, and our site production and I.T. staff, as well as many other talented people who work around the clock for this site.

Friday 4 March 1663/64

Up, my eye being pretty well, and then by coach to my Lord Sandwich , with whom I spoke, walking a good while with him in his garden, which and the house is very fine, talking of my Lord Peterborough’s accounts, wherein he is concerned both for the foolery as also inconvenience which may happen upon my Lord Peterborough’s ill-stating of his matters, so as to have his gaine discovered unnecessarily. We did talk long and freely that I hope the worst is past and all will be well.

Studying TRAPPIST-1 With James Webb Space Telescope

With the discovery of seven earth-sized planets around the TRAPPIST-1 star 40 light years away, astronomers are looking to the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope to help us find out if any of these planets could possibly support life. “If these planets have atmospheres, the James Webb Space Telescope will be the key to unlocking their secrets,” said Doug Hudgins, Exoplanet Program Scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

Astronauts’ Brains Change Shape During Spaceflight

MRIs before and after space missions reveal that astronauts’ brains compress and expand during spaceflight, according to a University of Michigan study. Image above: Blue shows areas of gray matter volume decrease, likely reflecting shifting of cerebrospinal fluid.

Investors see Snap’s IPO as ‘too big to fail’

A banner for Snap Inc hangs on the facade of the New York Stock Exchange on the morning of the company’s IPO in US. Photo: Reuters/File Institutional investors anxious not to be left out of this year’s marquee initial public offering helped Snap Inc pull off the biggest US-listed technology share sale this week since Chinese e-commerce juggernaut Alibaba Group Holding Inc smashed records in 2014.

Smart garbage can turns trash into a game

Waste is a big concern for cities — after all, no one likes looking at trash on the street. But it ends up there anyway, for various reasons: bins overflow, sometimes they’re hard to find and worst of all, some people just don’t care what they do with their trash.

Google Pixel update: Pixel 2 confirmed for 2017 as Google eyes…

That’s according to the company’s SVP of hardware, Rick Osterloh, who revealed the big news during a press event at Mobile World Congress earlier this week. Rumours of the Google Pixel 2 first emerged earlier this year, with the device expected to feature a number of hardware improvements on the first-generation device.

Jared Leto is in talks with Disney to star in Tron 3

Jared Leto is in talks with Disney to star in a sequel to Tron: Legacy as a brand new character named Ares Jared Leto is in early talks with Walt Disney Pictures to star in a sequel to Tron: Legacy, the follow-up to the 1982 film. A part three to the 2010 science fiction film was in the plans for years, but was ultimately suspended in 2015 – until now.

Stem cell treatment may restore vision to patients with damaged corneas

James Lauderdale is an associate professor of cellular biology in UGA’s Franklin College of Arts and Sciences . Researchers working as part of the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center have developed a new way to identify and sort stem cells that may one day allow clinicians to restore vision to people with damaged corneas using the patient’s own eye tissue.

Cybercriminals focusing on data-rich smartphones

Smartphones have become a mine of personal information, holding bank data, credit card information and addresses, making them the preferred target for cybercriminals, experts warn. “Cybercriminals go where there is value, and they have understood that the smartphone has become the preferred terminal for online shopping and payment,” said Tanguy de Coatpont, head of the French branch of international anti-virus firm Kaspersky Lab at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Google Invites Open Source Devs to Give E2EMail Encryption a Go

Google last week released its E2EMail encryption code to open source as a way of pushing development of the technology. “Google has been criticized over the amount of time and seeming lack of progress it has made in E2EMail encryption, so open sourcing the code could help the project proceed more quickly,” said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT .

Huawei to launch P10 devices in Africa by April

The Huawei P10 and P10 Plus will be available in Australia, Austria, Chile, China, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam beginning in March. The Huawei P10 , P10 Plus and Watch 2 received an impressive 42 awards to-date for their striking design and portrait capabilities.

The Introverted Entrepreneur: They Do Exist and Quietly Run Profitable Businesses

Serial entrepreneur, Azalea McKinney, talks with This Woman Knows Editor-in-Chief and The Whole Woman Virtual Summit Co-Host, Lisa N. Alexander, on how she built several successful businesses all while being an introvert. CYPRESS, Texas – March 4, 2017 – PRLog — In preparation of The Whole Woman Virtual Summit to be held March 27-31, 2017, summit co-host, Lisa N. Alexander interviews Houston businesswoman, Azalea McKinney on the businesses she has successfully started and offers advice to other introverts who have entrepreneurial aspirations.

Ford GT Competition Shed Pounds, Adds Performance

Aimed at those searching for the latest automotive news delivered in a timely manner, the news category reports about new car releases and brings exclusive stories from the automotive niche. Car news are delivered every day and focused on those in need of the newest from the automotive world.

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Inspired in the exceptionally handsome dashboard framework Dashing_ Check out a demo over `here `_. .. _Dashing: http://shopify.github.io/dashing/ ..

This photo taken Feb. 27, 2017, shows East Ridge, Tennessee, resident …

This photo taken Feb. 27, 2017, shows East Ridge, Tennessee, resident Andre Boaz posing with a portrait of his great-aunt Mary Jackson, left, and mother Aurellia Mitchell Boaz who were both featured in the recent movie “Hidden Figures”. less This photo taken Feb. 27, 2017, shows East Ridge, Tennessee, resident Andre Boaz posing with a portrait of his great-aunt Mary Jackson, left, and mother Aurellia Mitchell Boaz who were both featured in the … more This photo taken Feb. 27, 2017, shows East Ridge, Tennessee, resident Andre Boaz posing with a portrait of his great-aunt Mary Jackson, left, and mother Aurellia Mitchell Boaz who were both featured in the recent movie “Hidden Figures”.