MacBook Pro expected to get Intel Kaby Lake processor upgrade

MacBook Pro fans look forward to the upgrade cycle each year from Apple to see what sort of new performance and other features Apple adds to its popular line of MacBook Pro notebooks. One of the most accurate analysts that predicts what Apple will do in their next upgrade cycle is from KGI Securities and is called Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities.

Gene Cernan, Last Man To Walk On The Moon, Has Died

The last man in the world to take one of the most historic jaunts in human history has died. Astronaut Gene Cernan, who walked on the moon in 1972 and ended the astonishing adventure with a message of peace and hope, died at the age of 82 surrounded by his family, according to a statement NASA released Monday.

Apple to launch updated MacBook Pro with 32GB of RAM

It’s only been a couple of months since Apple radically redesigned its MacBook Pro line, but already rumours are circulating around the next update. According to industry analysts, 2017 will see the new look MacBook Pro given a sizeable specs boost, with 32GB of RAM even being slotted into the top of the line model.

Tech vendor Misys launches P2P lending software for banks

Jan 17 Financial technology vendor Misys is launching software to enable banks to provide peer-to-peer lending to their customers as competition from young companies in the sector heats up. The technology would enable retail and corporate banks to connect their customers looking for loans with individual or institutional investors digitally, the private London-based software company said on Tuesday.

China plans to develop powerful exascale computer

China is planning to develop a prototype of an exascale computer, considered the next frontier of supercomputers, by the end of 2017, according to a developer Tuesday. “A complete computing system of the exascale supercomputer and its applications can only be expected in 2020, and will be 200 times more powerful than the country’s first petaflop computer Tianhe-1, recognized as the world’s fastest in 2010,” said Zhang Ting, application engineer with the Tianjin-based National Supercomputer Center, when attending the sixth session of the 16th Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress Tuesday.

China’s first cargo spacecraft to leave factory

A review meeting was convened last Thursday, during which officials and experts unanimously concluded that the Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft had met all the requirements to leave the factory. The take-off weight of Tianzhou-1 is 13 tonnes and it can ship material of up to six tonnes.

The Raspberry Pi Compute Module evolves

Maybe you need more access to GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi, maybe you’re even building a robot, or some such home automation project, or maybe you’re just interested in the latest release from the Raspberry Pi Foundation the thing to note is the new Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3! Basically, you get the guts of the latest Raspberry Pi, as well as 4Gbyte of eMMC Flash, integrated on to a smaller board, which fits into a standard DDR2 SODIMM connector. And many more GPIOs and interfaces are available as compared to the Raspberry Pi itself.

Saturn’s moon looks like the Death Star

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft took photographs of Saturn’s moon Tethys on Monday, and it seems the planet is staring right back. Tethys measures 660 miles across and features a large impact crater known as “Odysseus,” which gives the planet its eerie, eyeball-like shape; some have even likened it to the Death Star from Star Wars.

Robots aid learning process

Barrington Elementary third-grader Eliza Paxton uses an app on her iPad to make a robot play music on a xylophone. Students in Katie Benton’s class have been using the robots to learn tasks such as coding, collaboration and problem-solving through use of their school-issued computer tablets and Dash and Dot robots, which were funded through a grant from the Upper Arlington Education Foundation and the Barrington Parent Teacher Organization.

CPE.H – Capital Pro Egaux Inc.

Capital Pro-Egaux licenses patents to nSequence et al. 2017-01-10 09:21 MT – News Release Mr. Pierre Desormeau reports CAPITAL PRO-EGAUX INC. ANNOUNCES THE CONCLUSION OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH NSEQUENCE CENTER FOR ADVANCED DENTISTRY AND NATIONAL DENTEX CORPORATION Capital Pro-Egaux Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Technique d’usinage Sinlab Inc., has entered into a patent licence agreement with nSequence Center for Advanced Dentistry and National Dentex Corp. As part of the agreement, Sinlab granted licensees a non-exclusive worldwide licence to make, use, sell and offer to sell inventions covered by its patents, including patents relating to its Technobar and Technoguide technologies, under terms undisclosed for confidentiality reasons.

FedEx Corporation (FDX) Cut to “Sell” at Zacks Investment Research

According to Zacks, “Even though shares of FedEx outperformed the broader industry over the last six months, the company’s earnings miss in the second quarter resulted in the stock losing value. Consequently, the Zacks Consensus Estimate has declined $0.10 to $12.02 for the fiscal 2017 over the last month.The bottom line was hurt by higher costs.

Recover network password ?

I am setting up a NAS at home and the last stage of the setup requires going into the “map network drive” setting. When I do this I get a dialogue box from Windows Security saying Enter Network Credentials.

10 Things to Know for Tuesday

Members of the NAACP stand at the Civil Rights Garden during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day walk and commemoration Monday, Jan. 16 2017, in Atlantic City, N.J. As Americans celebrate the legacy of King, civil rights leaders and activists are trying to reconcile the transition from the nation’s first black president to a president-elect still struggling to connect with most non-white voters. CORRECTING DATE TO JAN 16 – Reina club attacker after being caught by Turkish police in Istanbul, late Monday, Jan. 16, 2017.

Trisha’s mother Uma Krishnan seeks police protection for daughter

Chennai: Actress Trisha’s mother Uma Krishnan has lodged a complaint with the city police commissioner’s office seeking protection for her daughter and action against those who hacked into her Twitter account. Trisha’s long association with PETA, which is aggressively campaigning against Jallikattu, has earned her the wrath of the supporters of the ancient and popular bull-taming sport.

Hundreds of Xilinx Space Grade FPGAs Deployed in Launch of Iridium NEXT Satellites

Iridium NEXT is the company’s next-generation satellite constellation, replacing and enhancing its existing network of low-Earth orbit satellites spanning the entire globe i 1 2 the largest commercial satellite constellation in space.i 1 2The inaugural launch of the first ten Iridium NEXT Satellites occurred on As an integral component to the Iridium NEXT satellites, Xilinx maintains a strong heritage in the Space products industry with its Space Grade Virtex-5QV devices.

Last man to walk on the Moon dies, aged 82

The connection between humans and the Moon is a little more distant today, with the death of the last man to have walked on the Moon. Astronaut Eugene Cernan travelled to space three times, including on the last Apollo mission. Featured: Eugene Cernan, astronaut

15 Views from a Silicon Summit | EE Times

Semiconductor advances could continue through 2025 with extreme ultraviolet lithography coming online in 2020, said tech experts at the annual Industry Strategy Symposium . Market watchers shared long-term forecasts for mid-single-digit growth, with this year performing above average.

Poland’s plastic sector growing steadily

Economic growth in Poland is resulting in the production of more plastic and, ultimately, the availability of more plastic scrap to recyclers serving that nation. The publisher of a newly available database that lists plastics processors in Poland describes that nation as “the only country in Europe which did not technically go into recession” in 2008 and 2009, and says it sees further growth in Poland’s plastic sector “projected up to 2019.”

Gene Cerman, last astronaut on the moon, dies aged 82

Former astronaut Gene Cernan, the last of only a dozen men to walk on the moon who returned to Earth with a message of “peace and hope for all mankind,” has died aged 82. Cernan died on Monday following ongoing heath issues, his family said in a statement released by Nasa spokesman Bob Jacobs. Nasa said Cernan was surrounded by his family.

9 prominent early astronauts carrying on US space history

Early U.S. space history is fading with the deaths of Gene Cernan , the last man to walk on the moon, John Glenn , the last of the Mercury 7 astronauts, and Neil Armstrong , the first man to walk on the moon. But others survive, veterans of a time when Americans were glued to their television sets to watch their heroics, from fiery Saturn V launches to ocean splashdowns.

Global Market Study on Smart Machines: Owing to Increasing Need for…

Global Market Study on Smart Machines: Owing to Increasing Need for Improved Data Accessibility by Manufacturing Industries to Drive Market Growth By 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Persistence Market research offers a nine-year forecast for the global smart machines market between 2016 and 2024. In terms of value, the global smart machines market is expected to register a CAGR of 18.8% during the forecast period .

The SON (Self-Organizing Networks) Ecosystem: 2016 – 2030 -…

SON technology minimizes the lifecycle cost of running a mobile network by eliminating manual configuration of equipment at the time of deployment, right through to dynamically optimizing performance and troubleshooting during operation. This can significantly reduce the cost of the operator’s services, improving the OpEx to revenue ratio.

Global Over The Top Market By Content Type, By Platform, By…

Global Over The Top Market By Content Type, By Platform, By Deployment Model, By Service Type, By User Type, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2011-2021 /PRNewswire/ — Over The Top is a solution that enables an individual or an enterprise to transfer content such as audio, video, text and images over the internet, without the involvement of any system operator or provider for distribution of content. Rising penetration of telecom network providers across the globe, improving broadband network infrastructure, growing number of platforms to access online content such as smartphones & tablets, desktops & laptops, smart TVs and gaming consoles, are driving global over the top market.

Autonomous Delivery: Your Impulse Buys Will Still Be Safe

I heard a “Year in Review” program the other day on NPR with a BBC World Service panel discussion of what’s ahead for 2017. One prediction was that UAV delivery of packages would be commonplace this year, and as proof the commentator reported that Amazon had already had a successful test in the UK.

Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good

A known quantity in the faking department is Rev. Al Sharpton. In a video that gets considerable play on TV, Sharpton informs a rapt audience that “white folks” were cave dwellers when blacks were building empires and pyramids; teaching philosophy, astrology and mathematics.

At The Movies, Technology Isn’t Everything

There’s no surer way to be reminded of the formulaic nature of even good Hollywood filmmaking these days, and the dearth of original ideas, than to sit through several consecutive previews for similar films. Naturally, whenever you go to a movie these days, the studios ensure that you seea several consecutive previews for similar films.