Keith Ellison votes against GOP’s Israel resolution

Rep. Keith Ellison attends a news conference with the Congressional Progressive Caucus about the nominations for President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet in Washington on Dec. 8, 2016. U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison , who had not commented on a controversial United Nations resolution that called Israel's settlements in disputed territories "illegal," voted Thursday night against a GOP resolution that condemned it.

Liberal Dem seeks to upend VA establishment with governor run

Democrat Tom Perriello Thursday joined the 2017 race for governor in Virginia, promising to make sure the commonwealth acts as a firewall to Republican President-elect Trump. Perriello, a former congressman with ties to President Obama , is challenging Lt.

Van Jones on Democratic Party’s Future: ‘The Clinton Days …

During a panel discussion about the future of the Democratic Party on CNN's State of the Union this morning, political commentator and former Obama adviser Van Jones made the case that the party should be pressing in a more progressive direction rather than move towards the middle. After former Democratic Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer blamed Democrat support for trade deals and Obamacare eroding support in the heartland and ex-Clinton aide Karen Finney said there was a need to build grassroots organizing in red states, Jones explained that there were some budding stars in the party.

A Party of Transcendence

As we think about the election - what went wrong, what's been unleashed and what we should do about it - please, please, let us expand our vision beyond some technical fix or updated "message." James Zogby , founder of the Arab American Institute and a longtime member of the Democratic National Committee, discussing the Bernie Sanders phenomenon and the future direction of the party, wrote recently: "Many rank and file Democrats had lost confidence in their establishment and were looking for an authentic message that spoke to their needs."

Sanders, Ellison look to rebuild party decimated under Obama

Left-wing Democratic leaders Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Democratic National Committee chair candidate Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., are seeking to rebuild a party that has been left in shambles by the Obama presidency. The Democrats have lost majorities in the House and Senate and been obliterated by the Republicans at the state and local level since Obama assumed office in 2009.

Labor Secretary Tom Perez to Run for DNC Chair

Labor Secretary Tom Perez will announce a bid for Democratic National Committee Chair Thursday on a call with state Democratic party chairs, according to a source with knowledge of his planning. Perez enters the race after a number of top Democrats and Democratic organizations have backed Keith Ellison, the Minnesota congressman who has announced he would leave his seat if he wins the DNC chair race.

Terra Incognita: Keith Ellison’s speech was an Islamic-supremacist, chauvinist diatribe

The real story with Ellison is that, as with so many religious-nationalist Muslims in the West, his views dovetail much more logically with the extreme Right. In mid-November Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison announced he would run for chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee.

Top Clinton Donor Saban Calls Ellison “Anti-Semite” and “Anti-Israel”

Media mogul Haim Saban, who was among Hillary Clinton's largest campaign donors, made clear Friday that he doesn't want to see Rep. Keith Ellison as the next chair of the Democratic National Committee. "He is clearly an anti-Semite, anti-Israel individual," Saban lashed out at Ellison, warning Democrats that choosing the Minnesota congressman, who is the first Muslim elected to Congress, would be "a disaster for the relationship between the Jewish community and the Democratic Party."

Ellison open to leaving Congress if elected DNC chair

Rep. Keith Ellison said Friday that if he's elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee he'd consider leaving Congress in order to devote his attention to rebuilding the national party. Speaking at a forum in Denver to a gathering of state party chairs, Ellison said he's heard from DNC members who are only interested in electing a full-time chairman.

In choosing their next chief, Democrats should listen to Obama :0

Rep. Keith Ellison's road to chairing the Democratic National Committee keeps getting rockier - which is a healthy sign for the party. No less than President Obama seems to think the Minnesota congressman is the wrong way to go: His people have been pushing Labor Secretary Tom Perez and Michigan ex-Gov. Jennifer Granholm for the job.

Are We Witnessing the Birth of a New Democratic Party?

Two weeks after a crushing defeat in an election in which Democrats thought they were playing to their strengths of sober competence and tolerance in the face of extremism, a change has already occurred. Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders is acting as the voice of the party far more frequently than anyone could have imagined just a few years ago.

Biden spokeswoman: VP won’t run DNC

A spokeswoman for Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he isn't interested in leading the Democratic National Committee after he leaves office in January. "The vice president is not interested in being DNC chair, but he intends to remain deeply involved in helping shape the direction of the Democratic Party moving forward," Kate Bedingfield said in a statement.

Congress begins to maneuver in preparation for President Trump

Rep. Mike Pompeo. President-elect Donald Trump selected a Republican congressman and harsh critic of the Obama administration's handling of the Benghazi, Libya, attacks to be the head of the CIA, according to an official close to Trump's transition team.

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Min) with Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt).

Support Migdal Ohr by purchasing letters in the Torah Scroll that will be written in honor of Rabbi Grossman's 70th Birthday. A growing number of pro-Israel activists and Jewish community figures are expressing concern that Minnesota's U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison will turn the Democratic Party away from Israel if he is elected party chairman.