Watbill Funding Trump’s Border Wall Includes Common-Sense Immigration Reforms

Budget appropriators in the House of Representatives approved a Department of Homeland Security funding bill Thursday. In addition to $5 billion for the president's border wall , the Appropriations Committee advanced the bill with several amendments, including three authored by Republicans, that would improve the legal immigration system.

Maryland reps seeks presidential medal for slain journalist

Maryland's congressional delegation has asked President Donald Trump to consider awarding the nation's highest civilian honor to a woman credited with saving lives in the newspaper shooting that killed her and four others. News outlets cite a Monday letter sent to the White House highlighting Wendi Winters' actions at the Capital Gazette office June 28 as meriting the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

What they’re saying in Maryland about SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Judge Brett Kavanaugh speaks to the crowd after U.S. President Donald Trump nominated him to the Supreme Court during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House July 9, 2018 in Washington, D.C. ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, TCN - OUTS ** Judge Brett Kavanaugh speaks to the crowd after U.S. President Donald Trump nominated him to the Supreme Court during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House July 9, 2018 in Washington, D.C. ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, TCN - OUTS ** President Donald Trump nominated Marylander Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on Monday evening.

Hundreds attend Worcester County Memorial Day ceremony

Hundreds gathered at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial Monday morning to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice with an emotional ceremony. Mike Beatty, a speaker at the event said, "Today we are here at this beautiful Veterans Memorial to pay tribute to our fallen heroes and to recognize the men and women who gave all."

Some of Congressa s Fiercest Immigration Critics Lead Groups That Celebrate Immigrants

Rep. Andy Harris thinks President Donald Trump's immigration framework goes too easy on undocumented immigrants. Appearing last week on a Baltimore radio program , he blasted Trump's proposed pathway to citizenship for Dreamers-undocumented immigrants who came to United States as children-as an "amnesty" plan.

Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland, Va.’s Corey Stewart endorsed Roy Moore. Now what?

Maryland and Virginia Republicans who endorsed Roy Moore's candidacy for U.S. Senate were silent Friday morning following accusations that Moore initiated sexual contact with minors while he was in his 30s. The Washington Post reported allegations that Moore initiated a contact with 14-year-old girl when he was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney in Alabama, and pursued three other women between the ages of 16 and 18. In September, Rep. Andy Harris, the only Republican representing Maryland in Congress, endorsed Moore in a bitter GOP runoff election in Alabama that gripped national politics .

Giving the gift of green in the ‘District of Cannabis’

11, 2017, photo, jars of marijuana buds are displayed in Washington at a closed Ethiopian restaurant at a "gifted" marijuana event. In the so-called "District of Cannabis" it's legal to grow and consume mariju... .

Listen: Rep. Andy Harris: Democrats Went Overboard In Their Silence During The Presidenta s Speech.

Andrew P. "Andy" Harris is an American politician and physician who has been the U.S. Representative for Maryland's 1st congressional district since 2011. Harris served in the Navy Medical Corps and the U.S. Naval Reserve as a lieutenant commander on active duty during Operation Desert Storm and currently serves as a commander.[3] He has worked as an anesthesiologist, as an associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine, and as chief of obstetric anesthesiology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

House spending bill would limit visas for workers at places like Trump’s golf courses

Mar-a-Lago is seen before President-elect Donald Trump walks out to his motorcade in Palm Beach, FL on Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016. House Republicans are set to approve a must-pass spending bill Thursday that would dramatically reduce the number of visas available next year for seasonal workers like the ones who have been hired at President-elect Donald Trump's golf courses in Florida.

Congress begins to maneuver in preparation for President Trump

Rep. Mike Pompeo. President-elect Donald Trump selected a Republican congressman and harsh critic of the Obama administration's handling of the Benghazi, Libya, attacks to be the head of the CIA, according to an official close to Trump's transition team.

Dems demand gun votes, loudly, in 2-minute House session

" House Democrats continued their disruptive demands for votes on gun control Tuesday, though this time the commotion lasted less than two minutes. Less than a week after staging a near 26-hour sit-in on the House floor that garnered widespread attention, a half-dozen Democrats stood in the nearly empty chamber and loudly demanded recognition during a session held strictly for procedural business.