Ives, McSweeney Endorse Shaw For ILGOP Chairman

Sunday, State Representative and former Republican gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives joined State Representative David McSweeney in announcing their endorsement of Committeeman Mark Shaw for Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party over incumbent ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider. The split between the two candidates is lining up to be similar to the one the Illinois Republican Party showed in the Illinois Republican Primary Election earlier this year.

Dem Rep signs on as chief-co of anti-prog tax rez

Calls to protect Illinoisans from a progressive income tax are now coming from both sides of the aisle in Springfield. State Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Smithton, signed on as chief co-sponsor to House Resolution 891 on April 27. The resolution was filed in March by state Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, and states that Illinois should not scrap its constitutionally protected flat income tax.

Democrats vying to oppose Roskam give views on health care

With three candidates who are cancer survivors, health care issues are personal for several of the seven Democrats hoping to earn their party's nomination to face incumbent Republican Rep. Peter Roskam next November in the 6th Congressional District. Candidates Amanda Howland, Kelly Mazeski and Becky Anderson Wilkins each told a crowd of 800 at a recent forum in Carol Stream the basics of their cancer survival stories as they explained why affordable health care matters.