Senate poised to pass $700 billion defense policy bill

5, 2017, file photo, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., walks from his Senate office as Congress returns from the August recess in Washington. The Senate is poised to pass a defense policy bill that pu... WASHINGTON - The Senate is poised to pass a defense policy bill that pumps $700 billion into the Pentagon budget, expands U.S. missile defenses in response to North Korea's growing hostility and refuses to allow excess military bases to be closed.

Stossel: The Best Part of the Constitution

Parts of the Constitution are hard to read. But they're still important! John Stossel goes through some of the most important ones, like: -- The right to free speech -- The right of the people to bear arms, -- The guarantee of trial by jury -- The 13th amendment, which outlawed slavery Stossel also asks liberty-supporting people like Senator Mike Lee , Rep. Thomas Massie , and Rep. Justin Amash for their picks.

Austin Petersen: Why I became a Republican

To the casual observer, it certainly seems like the Republican Party is in an identity crisis. After years of consensus and sweeping the 2016 national elections on the promise of repeal and replace of Obamacare, Republicans in a stunning 11th-hour failure failed to pass even the so-called "skinny" repeal.

Some Transparency for CBO Yuval Levin 7 minutes ago

This year's health-care debate has launched, or at least reawakened, a related argument about the work of the Congressional Budget Office. Republicans have found themselves very frustrated with CBO's health-economy model, and especially its tendency to ascribe much greater effectiveness to the individual mandate than the evidence of the last few years would suggest is merited.

Mike Lee to Trump: ‘Keep it coming’

Utah Senator Mike Lee, one of Donald Trump's staunchest Republican skeptics during campaign season, is pleased with the president's first six months in office. During his remarks at Young America's Foundation's National Conservative Student Conference the second-term Republican was asked to comment on any "pushback" he's received from the GOP as a result of his early criticisms of Trump.


It's looking likely that GOP legislation to revamp Obamacare will undergo a pretty major weight loss program before all is said and done. Expectations are building that Senate leaders will ultimately present Republicans with a " skinny " bill after more aggressive measures fail during some 20 hours of floor debate over the next few days.

Senate GOPa s Obamacare repeal, replace plan fails on procedural vote

WASHINGTON A vote to advance Senate Republican leadership's plan to repeal and replace Obamacare failed late Tuesday - the latest setback in their party's effort to dismantle the 2010 health care law. After 9:30 p.m. ET, the Senate rejected a motion 43-57 to waive the Budget Act and advance the proposal, known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act .

Health care follies in the Senate

A long time ago, in a galaxy not all that far away, the opposition party in Congress killed a White House-hatched health care plan. The president was Bill Clinton, although the complex blueprint was midwifed by first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, as she liked to be called.

Ron DeSantis to Trump: Cut Obamacare subsidies to pressure Congress

President Trump should use healthcare subsidies for Congress as leverage over lawmakers in Obamacare repeal talks, according to Florida Republican. "If you make them live under Obamacare, my guess is that they will vote to quickly repeal Obamacare," Rep. Ron DeSantis said Thursday on the House floor.

Our View: When all else fails, try bipartisan reforms for Obamacare

MNC109-169-202132- /O.EXT.KARX.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-170721T0300Z/ 132 AM CDT Thu Jul 20 2017 The Flood Warning continues for The Middle Fork Whitewater River Near Whitewater Park. * until this evening...Or until the warning is cancelled.

Trump’s First 6 Months: His Wins, Losses and Stalemates

Six months into a tumultuous presidency, NBC takes a look back on President Donald Trump's inauguration promises and policies. President Donald Trump took office promising a pivot for the country on everything from health care and immigration, a transfer of power not from one administration to another but from Washington, D.C., to the American people.

Ben Carson: HUD will ‘reinterpret’ Obama housing discrimination rule

The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which was finalized in 2015, is meant to implement part of the civil-rights-era Fair Housing Act by requiring local governments to spell out plans for reducing segregation, or risk eventually losing out on federal bock grants. Ben Carson has said he would seek to reinterpret it.

Trump’s embrace of Russia making top advisers wary

The budget plan unveiled Tuesday is crucial because its passage would pave the way to pass a tax overhaul this fall without the fear of a filibuster by Senate Democrats. The budget plan unveiled Tuesday is crucial because its passage would pave the way to pass a tax overhaul this fall without the fear of a filibuster by Senate Democrats.