Trump tariffs sting farmers, businesses from sea to shining sea

Here's a round-up of some of the complaints about Donald Trump's tariffs heard on Capitol Hill in recent weeks This story is published in a content partnership with POLITICO. It was originally reported by Doug Palmer on on August 1, 2018.

Facebook finds ‘sophisticated’ efforts to disrupt elections

In this Wednesday, April 11, 2018, file photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives to testify before a House Energy and Commerce hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. FILE- In this Wednesday, April 11, 2018, file photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives to testify before a House Energy and Commerce hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Facebook uncovers ‘sophisticated’ efforts to disrupt elections

In this Wednesday, April 11, 2018, file photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives to testify before a House Energy and Commerce hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. FILE- In this Wednesday, April 11, 2018, file photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives to testify before a House Energy and Commerce hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Democrats attack Trump’s consumer watchdog pick in Senate hearing

There were heated exchanges in U.S. Congress on Thursday as Democratic lawmakers grilled President Donald Trump's pick to lead the country's consumer watchdog on her involvement in the government's "zero tolerance" immigration policy. Democratic senators repeatedly pressed Kathy Kraninger, a senior government official, on her role in setting and implementing the policy slammed by both Democrats and Republicans and on whether she had relevant experience to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau .

Congressional Roll Call

Voting 414 for and three against, the House on April 18 passed a bill requiring a sweeping modernization of Internal Revenue Service information systems that would make it easier for taxpayers to communicate with the agency online and bolster cyber-defenses against large-scale hacking operations as well as smaller schemes targeting the identities and refunds of individual taxpayers. In addition, the bill puts the IRS on a path toward providing taxpayers with secure individualized portals on the agency website to be used for obtaining forms and data and filing returns.

Senate votes to kill a policy warning auto lenders about…

The Senate on Wednesday voted to kill a five-year old Obama administration policy warning auto lenders not to discriminate against minority borrowers. The legislation, which passed 51 to 47 largely along party lines, is the latest Republican rebuke of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's history of aggressive tactics.

Grassley threatens Trump EPA nominees over biofuels mandate

A Republican senator said Tuesday he may seek to block President Donald Trump's nominees for key posts at the Environmental Protection Agency unless the administration backs off a proposed reduction in the volume of biofuels blended into gasoline and diesel. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said he plans to speak with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt about the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Trump ducked a tough decision on DACA, but he’s solved nothing

Activists from project anti-Trump administration messages onto the side of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles, where many undocumented people are jailed, on Tuesday. At President Donald Trump's rallies, he's usually flanked by a pair of big blue placards displaying his administration's proudest boast.

Trego Manor will be closed

Following months of concern about the facility's financial situation and fines for health inspection violations, Trego County Manor will be closing in approximately 30 days. The decision was made official Tuesday evening during a joint meeting of the manor's board of directors and the Trego County Commission.

The Senate subway: The new epicenter of American democracy?

It's a slightly-comical transportation system in the bowels of the U.S. Capitol that few Americans know exist: the Senate subway system. Not subway like Metro - but two sets of tracks that carry underground trams ferrying lawmakers from Senate chambers to their office buildings, less than a third of a mile away.

Health care follies in the Senate

A long time ago, in a galaxy not all that far away, the opposition party in Congress killed a White House-hatched health care plan. The president was Bill Clinton, although the complex blueprint was midwifed by first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, as she liked to be called.

Ron DeSantis to Trump: Cut Obamacare subsidies to pressure Congress

President Trump should use healthcare subsidies for Congress as leverage over lawmakers in Obamacare repeal talks, according to Florida Republican. "If you make them live under Obamacare, my guess is that they will vote to quickly repeal Obamacare," Rep. Ron DeSantis said Thursday on the House floor.