Trump tariffs sting farmers, businesses from sea to shining sea

Here's a round-up of some of the complaints about Donald Trump's tariffs heard on Capitol Hill in recent weeks This story is published in a content partnership with POLITICO. It was originally reported by Doug Palmer on on August 1, 2018.

Clinton Refuses to Take Blame; Problems Ahead for Democratic Party

Working with Clinton on the effort is Dennis Cheng, her campaign finance chair , as well as Judith McHale, who was one of her undersecretaries of state, according to Politico . Sen. Ted Cruz called out FBI Director James Comey for the director's decision that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin would walk because there was no intent on their part to break the law by their mishandling of classified information.

Pingree: Trump’s Coast Guard, FEMA Cuts ‘Reckless’

US senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island were among the lawmakers from both parties who on Thursday were publicly questioning whether the potential cuts to the Coast Guard that were reported by the New York Times, Politico and other media outlets would serve Trump's stated goals. Terry McAuliffe says President Trump would be "foolish" to cut the Coast Guard's budget to help fund a wall along the U.S. -Mexico border.

New leadership for Politicoa s influential Playbook

The website Politico appointed two reporters on Monday to replace Mike Allen at Playbook, which rapidly grew from a morning email to his bosses into a must-read newsletter for Washington power players and those who want to eavesdrop on their conversations. Politico's Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman will take over the newsletter on July 11, Politico said.